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Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:49 pm
by Troy Martin
According to RBIL, there were.

A lot of them modified BIOS and DOS interrupts to do bad things or check for installation by taking over unused ah= functions.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:21 pm
by cotton509
people i am workng on it but i am having poblems
with the c++ comiler

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:23 pm
by neon
Post errors and code.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:52 pm
by Troy Martin
No errors, no code, no logs, no solution.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:02 am
by ScorchOS
I refer to the sentence in my post signature at this point. RTFM, check the wiki, google it and have a go BEFORE asking the question. Maybe I should add some advice on what to include in one. Nobody's perfect, but you could at least try cotton! :)

Not doing so and refusing good advice makes cotton seem arrogant as well as ignorant. At least he's finally starting to see sense. I am assuming however that he hasn't had much experience with forums or programming in general. Kernel development is incredibly challenging - it's taken me over a year to produce a first release as I spent most of the time spooling through tutorial code (from bkerndev, MikeOS and JamesM's tutorial) and learning the theory behind it. Using kernel development to learn a programming language is not a good idea. If you just want a swanky user interface, you could always try creating a Linux distro (and if you're too lazy to find out how Linux works, you're fully entitled to use everyone else's hard work).

If you don't want to look stupid, take the time to learn and consider what you're going to say before you write it. The phrase I like to quote is "Think before you speak". Otherwise it just becomes verbal diarrhea.

I hope you take my advice onboard ;)

Re: help disaster

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:30 am
by cotton509
sorry but all your oses are going to suck with out guis internet and without anyone making software for it. release a soucre code for libarys so people can develop ssoftware for your os. go open source also i may just do a linux kernal but it is confusing. but its alot easyer, :mrgreen:

Re: help disaster

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:43 am
by inflater
sorry but all your oses are going to suck with out guis
OSdev here is for fun, not for profit. Except 01000101's OS which is targeted as a network security system and you don't need a GUI for that - you can work faster in command line sometimes.
Go back to Vista if you judge operating systems only with their GUI. :roll:
go open source also i may just do a linux kernal but it is confusing.
Just do it, if you think that you'll attract developers that way. :roll: Half of "Open source" is sh!t, especially your "upcoming" "linux kernal", if it's really "upcoming" since you can't code. Sh!t to the N-th.

And you suck royally at writing, if not learning. Do you suck in reading too? I see you have difficulties reading the manuals the community told you. On both three, you suck at reading, writing and learning - you suck at everything. Go to somalia then.
do not put swear words in *. I know most ofthe words you put in stars
And you're schizophrenic.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:27 am
by cotton509
Please stop. Were is the bare bones guid. Also i am not a vista person ok. When you post dont be rude do not put swear words in *. I know most ofthe words you put in stars ok. :roll:

Re: help disaster

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:55 am
by neon
Were is the bare bones guid.
Assuming you mean GUI, there is none do to the complexity nature of GUIs and them relying on alot of other components of your system which I know you have not yet developed.
When you post dont be rude do not put swear words in *. I know most ofthe words you put in stars ok.
Then, dont be rude to us. :roll: Also, alot of the text you posted in your last post are false and incorrect. I decided to be nice and not break it apart sentence by sentence though.

Also, you have not yet answered my previous questions. (See page 5).

Re: help disaster

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:01 pm
by AJ
Locked - this topic is going nowhere.

@cotton509 - do some research.

@inflater - no need to rise to the bait.