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Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:03 am
by easion

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:34 am
by Thomas
@easion : Fantastic work!. =D> Hats off

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:40 am
by Nathan
Finally my first screenshot of my OS:

It's really on the beginning, I still need to implement the support for PS/2 Mice, but my OS will be like Mac OS Classic(don't have any type of command -line).

I hope you've appreciated! :D

Best Regards,
Nathan Paulino Campos

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:57 am
by f2
Nathan wrote: my OS will be like Mac OS Classic(don't have any type of command -line).
It is the first choice I have made for my OS. This is a good choice, but I have finally switched to a Win 3x
interface: no taskbar, no menu bar on top, just icons for minimized windows.

I wish you good luck with your OS.


Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:21 pm
by xvedejas
In porting (rewriting really) my OS to 64-bit, I decided to use Grub2 to do the dirty work for me. I know it's not really a screen of my own OS but here's Grub2 booting it;
The actual OS is nothing to look at yet :P

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:17 am
by Andr3w
xvedejas wrote:it's not really a screen of my own OS but here's Grub2 booting it;
Well, at least you have a nice logo. ;)
Nathan wrote:Finally my first screenshot of my OS:
.. Screenshot ..

It's really on the beginning, I still need to implement the support for PS/2 Mice, but my OS will be like Mac OS Classic(don't have any type of command -line).
Good luck with your OS. Do you plan the GUI to run in text-mode?

-- Andrew

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:26 pm
by davidlougheed
Here is mine. 16bit, written in NASM. No name yet. I was sorta tired, and wasn't thinking straight, so I 'putpixel'ed every singel pixel of the letters. :shock: That weird 3x3 thing in the bottom left hand corner is it's logo. A logo, but no name :lol:


Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:29 pm
by Firestryke31
Here's a screenshot of my kernel initializing itself. I just implemented the task manager, and here it is setting up a new task, switching to it, running it (the green 1), then falling flat on it's face as it tries to switch to it again (everything after). I'm so proud! Image

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:57 am
by 0x90
On behalf of the United Nations, I demand that you release the CPU immediately!

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:16 am
by Firestryke31
I shall, once it has given me the secrets of multitasking! Muahahaha!
I am pretty sure it's a stack problem, and I need to improve my task setup code. I also need to implement threading, but I figured multithreading would be an easy extension to multitasking. My task manager also doesn't support switching rings yet.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:44 am
by Creature
Firestryke31 wrote:I shall, once it has given me the secrets of multitasking! Muahahaha!
I am pretty sure it's a stack problem, and I need to improve my task setup code. I also need to implement threading, but I figured multithreading would be an easy extension to multitasking. My task manager also doesn't support switching rings yet.
Same here, got multitasking (and multithreading) working once, but since I redesigned a lot of stuff and changed the way paging is handled, it keeps messing up (think it's the stack too). I dropped it for now but I hope to get it working in the future.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:48 am
by IanSeyler
Latest sceenshots of BareMetal OS. QEMU is emulating a 64 processor system.


The "hellosmp" program tells each processor to print a message.


Getting a list of files on the hard drive, using some other built-in CLI commands (64-bit register dump), and running a basic Hello World app.


Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:33 pm
by Artlav
The Aprom project, a nomad OS currently drifting from text and GUI:

Towards 3D and flashing: (EDIT: png)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:26 pm
by dak91
Artlav wrote: Towards 3D and flashing

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:19 pm
by xvedejas
Artlav: is it possible you could re-upload your 3D image without the jpeg compression? I would look a lot better then :P