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Re: help disaster

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:33 pm
by Troy Martin
You can access hardware directly in any mode. You might need to clear interrupts to make sure the BIOS doesn't snag anything before you can, though.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:49 pm
by neon
Oh, wow. How did I mess this 5 page topic? :shock:
i need help and yes i know how to make a kernal that says hello world so do
Thats not a kernel... Im starting to question if it was even self bootable. (Based around your current post history.)

Also, beginning your system based off of tutorials is a terrible idea. What is the purpose of your system software? What makes your system software unique? You should base your idea and design off of that. After all, basing code off of tutorials and other sources may not fit your design needs or end goal.

Also, understanding the architecture that you are writing system level code on is very important. Read the Intel manuals (posted earlier)...they are very important.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:52 pm
by Troy Martin
neon wrote:Oh, wow. How did I mess this 5 page topic? :shock:
:D :lol:
neon wrote:Also, beginning your system based off of tutorials is a terrible idea.
Agreed. Tutorials are a starting point and often have blossoming security issues and such.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:15 am
by Love4Boobies
neon wrote:Im starting to question if it was even self bootable. (Based around your current post history.)
I got the same impression, especially when he said that he can't tell what the error was because it "disappeared" to quickly :) . I think he should also read the BBS (BIOS Boot Specification) to get an idea of what's going around.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:21 am
by inflater
Troy Martin wrote:You can access hardware directly in any mode.
False. PMode, CPL=3 is a good example...
hey dont be harsh come on i am learning.
You're not learning, and you're not trying to learn. Judging from your your posts style, you are just copying chunks of code from other helloworld kernels, and you sound like idiot by posting every minute. Also your topic title clearly states that. Get out of here and go read some materials.
lollynoob wrote:Haha, you don't know assembly, I bet you don't know C++, and you're a terrible poster.
Fully agreed. Lock this thread now, this isn't going anywhere.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:04 am
by Love4Boobies
inflater wrote:
Troy Martin wrote:You can access hardware directly in any mode.
False. PMode, CPL=3 is a good example...
CPL = 3 is not really a CPU *mode*. It's merely a protection level that is available in modes such as protected mode. And direct hardware access is of course possible under protected mode.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:49 am
by Combuster
With the IO permission bitmap and friends, you can too (or IOPL = 3 as well)

You want too much, you want it too fast, yet you do not do your homework, you spend too much time flooding this forum, you don't do research, you don't want to start with the basics, you refuse to take good advice that can help you, you don't even spend the time to understand the replies.

It is a miracle that you haven't passed out because of overexertion yet (or maybe you did).

So, mr. hyperactive, how do you plan on getting your OS done if you are only doing the things that actually keep you from that? (rhetoric question)

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:50 am
by JamesM
:shock: Holy crap!

What I normally do with newbies is point them towards tutorials, usually with a totally shameless bias towards my own, but to be quite honest I don't really want him to taint them by reading them.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:12 am
by Love4Boobies
Combuster wrote:With the IO permission bitmap and friends, you can too (or IOPL = 3 as well)
Well I didn't say you couldn't. I said that CPL = 3 is not a mode :)

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:16 am
by Combuster
CPL=3 is usually synonymous to usermode :wink:

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:18 am
by Love4Boobies
v86 mode is a mode too then, huh? pwned :mrgreen:

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:23 am
by Combuster
who said modes were mutually exclusive?

Sadly enough, this is disastrous to the OP's help, and thus on-topic :(

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:59 am
by Love4Boobies
Well, I was just saying that from an architectural point of view they're not really modes of operations (they also say this about v86 in Intel manuals). But heck, you're right about the "disaster" thing :lol: Think the guy followed the advice ppl gave him to come back in a week or so; or did he quit? Either way is fine:))

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:06 am
by Troy Martin
New debate, eh?

Well, you can replace a few of the BIOS functions with your own by directly accessing hardware if you really wanted to. But who would? It's kinda pointless.

Re: help disaster

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:37 pm
by Love4Boobies
Malicious software probably would. I bet there were tons of viruses that used this back in the DOS days...