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Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 1:29 am
by Solar
Candy wrote: Anyway, what /are/ you doing up at this hour? I know you're in the same timezone :).
Alarm goes off at 5:15. Fire up the tea kettle and the computer, brush my teeth, check my web pages (and ;-) ), downloading e-mail etc. onto my PDA to work on while commuting, breakfast, leaving for office at 6:35. 55 minutes on the commuter train till I'm there, working till about 16:30, 55 minutes commuting back, firing up the computer, doing stuff (pdclib, Pro-POS, OSFAQ, astyle, ...), dinner, some TV / reading / cuddling my wife, sleep. Waiting for the weekend to do more stuff (computer, archery, medieval re-enactment, roleplaying, more computer...). That's my life, essentially. ;-)

(And yes, this means I'm posting this while being at the office, a habbit that will one day cost me my job. ;-) )

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 2:13 am
by Candy
Solar wrote: Alarm goes off at 5:15. Fire up the tea kettle and the computer, brush my teeth, check my web pages (and ;-) ), downloading e-mail etc. onto my PDA to work on while commuting, breakfast, leaving for office at 6:35. 55 minutes on the commuter train till I'm there, working till about 16:30, 55 minutes commuting back, firing up the computer, doing stuff (pdclib, Pro-POS, OSFAQ, astyle, ...), dinner, some TV / reading / cuddling my wife, sleep. Waiting for the weekend to do more stuff (computer, archery, medieval re-enactment, roleplaying, more computer...). That's my life, essentially. ;-)
Somehow I get the feeling our lifestyles have something to do with the way we view things...

I get up at 5:45, check mega-tokyo & some other sites, eat breakfast, do some laundry (oops... ran out halfway the week this time :)), pack my laptop & bag, go to train at 6:45, 50 minutes of commuter train, biking to internship, do that until 16:45, bike back, and then either the train home, where I do some more laptopping & coding & stuff, or to my girlfriend to cuddle all night & things like that.

We are quite similar ;)
(And yes, this means I'm posting this while being at the office, a habbit that will one day cost me my job. ;-) )
Dito for my internship.

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:53 am
by bubach
No, it's up and alive at (Sorry, gave the wrong URL in the announcement above.)

Hrrmm.. How often do you have a slash after a cgi script?
Do you also write: ? :P

/ Christoffer

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 4:14 am
by Solar
It's actually a feature of the webserver. If you go to the OS FAQ Wiki, you will see URLs like - where RecentChanges is actually the page name, a parameter to the Wiki software in index.php.

I prefer the "slashed" notations for all URLs that refer to a path, even if that path is actually handled by some PHP / CGI script. (As long as the webserver supports it, of course.) So, yes, I actually write - with 'wiki' being a copy of index.php, with a bit of tinkering to make Apache recognize it as PHP.) I feel it is much more natural and just as functional as - and shorter, too. ;-)

As for ViewCVS... the software actually configures itself to use the slashed notation automatically. Go to SourceForge and browse any random repository if you don't believe me... 8)

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:02 am
by distantvoices
@candy: of course the life style is closely related to the way we see things. Better expressed: The way we put things in relation together according to some emotional/logical context.

@solar: Do you do archery the japanese way - only a bow, an arrow and a man - and of course some target?

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:49 am
by Solar
beyond infinity wrote: @solar: Do you do archery the japanese way - only a bow, an arrow and a man - and of course some target?
Yes and no. ;-)

I do "traditional" archery - the arrows are hand-crafted from tip to nock (well, the shafts are stock issue), the bow is a 50-pound D-shaped longbow crafted by a bowmaker from lemonwood and hickory, with no sights or arrow-rest attached. (I still dream of crafting one myself some day. Book and tools are sitting on my shelf, I just have to find the time to practice, and a source for a good 7 foot of yew... ;-) )

I also draw to ear, rather than nose or cheek, which drives "sport archers" insane because they can't understand how I can still hit my mark that way. ;-)

The equipment, outlook, and mindset is medieval Europe rather than Japanese. I score better picturing the target as a knight in chain mail charging at me, rather than reaching for the void. ;-)

I occassionally do some practice at the local target range, but most shafts are fired at makeshift targets during medieval re-enactment weekends. (Allows me to fire some of the wicked hand-forged broadhead arrows I own, which shred the target to pieces - the local bow club would not be amused if I did that with their stock targets... ;-) )

PS: For those not into archery... I do the "Robin Hood" thing instead of the "Samurai" thing, with a bow that easily carries a rather heavy war-arrow 200+ meters. ;-)

PPS: I don't have pictures from the archery practice handy, but you can see me at my strange hobby at our medieval website - that's swords practice in the moat of Buedingen city. (Those are real blades, which explains why we keep so far apart. ;-) ) You can enjoy the rest of the pictures, too, following the bottom-right arrows. ;-) A picture of some of "us" at a medieval tournament can be seen here - the guy on the left, with the beard, is my tutor in archery. ;-)

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:04 am
by distantvoices
Nice Landscape you have around where you live. Cool. Way better than canyons of concrete and full of .... 'grantige' people.

stay safe

ps: 'grantig' is a viennese expression which is not directly translateable, but the meaning is: being in a bad mood and having a sharp tongue.

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:30 am
by bubach
what what that "gaypile" (and that big ball?) photos all about? my german is quite poor.. ;)

/ Christoffer

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:45 am
by Solar

This is getting *really* off-topic. :D

"Bruchenball", it's called. ("Bruche" being a medieval underwear, looking like a diaper. Yes, they really wore them back then!)

Make a circle in the dirt, 6m across. Mark two "goals" at opposite ends. Build two teams of roughly half a dozen crazy guys. Strip down to the underwear (which, lacking real Bruche for each participant, alas, might look quite modern). Rub grease all over your skin. Put hay in a large leatherskin (the "ball"). Give a signal. Each team tries to get the ball through the "goal" of the opposing team. No holds barred. Two halves of 3 minutes each, and even the fittest athlete is on his last leg. The spectators love it. :D

Back in medieval times, squires had to rescue their knight from the battlefield, should he fall from his horse. They practiced this with dead pigs. To make it harder, they practiced it against other squires trying to get the pig into the opposite direction. And because the squires did tend to sneak concealed weaponry (seriously harming each other), it was ruled that they should strip to their underwear. Hence this very early predecessor to rugby / football / soccer. ;-)

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:46 am
by BI lazy
I reckon that's a medieval version of Rugby, if you know what I mean. In rugby there exists also a position - the crowd. they call it to pack down and form the start position for the game after each and everything - like goals or fouls.

That big ball looks like what we know as Medicine Ball in the gymn *lol*

But gaypile --- *rofl* --- if any of those stout lads got evidence of this, oh beware *lol*

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:27 am
by Solar
BI lazy wrote: But gaypile --- *rofl* --- if any of those stout lads got evidence of this, oh beware *lol*
Don't worry, I'll tell them next time we meet. ;)

(Erm... I *did* mention that I'm somewhere in the midst of that "gaypile", didn't I? :D )

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:18 am
by bubach
Was it nice? ;D
It looks really cool. I wish i could come and look at it. But it?s a long from here..

/ Christoffer

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:38 am
by Solar
bubach wrote: Was it nice? ;D
Let's put it this way: I have played four quarters of American Football as outside linebacker that were less exhausting than those six minutes. :D

Back to topic, will we? :D

Candy left several comments in the math.h he edited, some of which I can answer:
How do you align 80-bits numbers on a 96 or now 128 bit boundary?
Not at all. The 80 bit wide floating point registers of the IA32 are truncated to 64 bit upon storing them to main memory, unless I remember the Intel manuals wrongly. The 128 bit you are referring to are probably the SSE2 registers - which are a completely different ballgame...
Need to check whether these values are not implementation dependant...
They are. Not only the width of the FPU registers may change between architectures, but even such things as NaN representations, signaling / non-signaling NaNs etc... most platforms are IEEE compliant, but some are not. (sigh...)
Is long double always 80 bits (well, 80 bits used)?
The standard makes very little assumptions on the size of datatypes (just like with integers). A float has 6 digits of guaranteed precision, a double 10 digits, and a long double also 10 digits. Floats have an epsilon of no less than 1e-5, doubles and long doubles of 1e-9.

As I said, all this is highly CPU-dependent. I fear that most of the math implementation code is personality...
Do you agree the HUGE_VAL's should be infinities?
Some platforms lack a special code for infinity, in which case HUGE_VAL traditionally expands to DBL_MAX (from <float.h>). On the Intel, I guess you're save to use Inf.
Is this really the natural logarithm? Wouldn't it be ln()?
Never assume the standard to be logical. ;-) Nope, log() is the natural logarithm, log10() the logarithm to base 10, log2() the logarithm to base 2.

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:58 am
by Candy
Solar wrote:
How do you align 80-bits numbers on a 96 or now 128 bit boundary?
Not at all. The 80 bit wide floating point registers of the IA32 are truncated to 64 bit upon storing them to main memory, unless I remember the Intel manuals wrongly. The 128 bit you are referring to are probably the SSE2 registers - which are a completely different ballgame...
Uhm... I'm pretty damn sure you can store the 80-bit values, more so because GCC has a special switch saying whether it should be 96 or 128 bit aligned.

[me=Candy]feels SO stupid now... that just answers my question all together...[/me]
Is this really the natural logarithm? Wouldn't it be ln()?
Never assume the standard to be logical. ;-) Nope, log() is the natural logarithm, log10() the logarithm to base 10, log2() the logarithm to base 2.
and I was even hoping for a decent standard... Guess again Candy...

Re:PDCLib status

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:12 am
by Solar

Code: Select all

#include <math.h>
#define ln(x) log(x)
Who cares about names? ;D