Re: Running a VBE Bios or VESA Bios?
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:04 pm
Basically, resolution independence prevents "poor quality graphics that are slow and ugly for the user". It also removes a lot of hassle for application developers (who don't need to care about video modes, video resolutions and pixel formats when video is done right). Like most of your arguments, it seems like the main reason you want video mode switching after boot is because you're too lazy to do your job properly.
The text output protocol is a nice abstraction - it could be using any video mode, or sending the text over network or serial and not using video at all, or anything else.rdos wrote:It seems like you are right about the text output protocol. It seems to be a software construction where it is possible to emulate the whole thing. There is not even an specification of the buffer address or pixel organisation,
The best way to eat your own feces is with a spoon (after you boil it). Would I create a restaurant that sells feces? Of course not. The same applies to text mode - the best way to emulate text mode is irrelevant because nobody sane wants it in the first place (no bold/italic, no anti-aliasing, no font sizes, no proportional fonts and no internationalisation) and any OS that actually uses text mode (or emulates text mode) is doing a disservice to its users.rdos wrote:But that doesn't invalidate my previous claims. The best video-mode to emulate text mode with is 640x350, which gives 8x14 cells.
Erm. My monitors can take up to one second of "black screen" to figure out what video mode the video card has switched to before they display anything after a video mode switch. Your idea of "fast switching" is painfully slow and ugly for the user. Also note that the user ends up with the monitors native resolution regardless; because the monitors have to do their own (lower quality) image scaling when the video mode is wrong.rdos wrote:You forgot one. On multiple virtual full screens with fast switching. That means you don't need to move or resize windows, and also don't need the window frame which is ugly and uses screen space.Brendan wrote: No; the typical use of applications is whatever the user feels like (full screen, in a window, tiled, spread across multiple monitors, minimised, etc). Your code is designed by a fool, so you're attempting to pretend that users want code designed by a fool (despite a huge amount of evidence to the contrary).
Basically, resolution independence prevents "poor quality graphics that are slow and ugly for the user". It also removes a lot of hassle for application developers (who don't need to care about video modes, video resolutions and pixel formats when video is done right). Like most of your arguments, it seems like the main reason you want video mode switching after boot is because you're too lazy to do your job properly.