Moderation Style / Signal:Noise Ratio

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Re: Moderation Style / Signal:Noise Ratio

Post by Lionel »

Solution: Create a "catch all" troubleshooting page that has common things (Q:my kernel doesn't work! A: Why? See Debugging, and provide more information), like a CYOA, but for high-level dumb questions, not low-level Microkernel vs. Caching Kernel kinds of questions? Instead of straight answers maybe we could include the process, but not the solution? And then have a cheat sheet? Good Idea?
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Re: Moderation Style / Signal:Noise Ratio

Post by Bender »

Lionel wrote:Solution: Create a "catch all" troubleshooting page that has common things (Q:my kernel doesn't work! A: Why? See Debugging, and provide more information), like a CYOA, but for high-level dumb questions, not low-level Microkernel vs. Caching Kernel kinds of questions? Instead of straight answers maybe we could include the process, but not the solution? And then have a cheat sheet? Good Idea?
Rather than that I'd like to have a small listbox that appears when the user fills the title box with some text, and the list will be filled with links to forum topics that contain similar strings. This will probably be helpful to newbies IMHO.
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Re: Moderation Style / Signal:Noise Ratio

Post by sortie »

Feel free to contribute!
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Re: Moderation Style / Signal:Noise Ratio

Post by iansjack »

Would it be possible to change the "FAQ" link at the top of the forums home page to point to that list? Currently it points to a rather useless set of FAQ about the BB software.
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