New to OS Dev.

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Re:New to OS Dev.

Post by distantvoices »

@JoeKayza: As grown ups, we can be expected to exchange an argument without the use of foul language, eh? This I don't consider a flamewar but what it is: having an argument. *shrugs* There's nothing bad with that.

@Candy: You'll prolly have your reasons to do so. *g* I just think: look at the list of existing filesystems of you open your average fdisk and ask for available partition types. My jaw used to drop open *each* time I 've had to use it.

@Solar: h?sch insch chuchichaschti gluagt? (have you given a look into the kitchen drawer?) That's Xibergisch/schwyzerd?tsch. Or how say the tyrolean specimen (Kimmts, mander, 's isch zeit): bischt ka tiroler bischt ka mensch. Now come and excommunicate me from the circle of german natives *rofl*
... the osdever formerly known as beyond infinity ...
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