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Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:44 am
by xyzzy
shiner wrote:my GUI :P
stopped working on it after alex told me to.
anyway, continuing working on it would be a really pain cause the Exclaim API is still unstable and not complete.
I told you to stop working on it because you seemed to be completely ignoring the fact that I already have plans for a GUI, not because of the API... And you seem to be doing that with networking stuff as well - I already have plans for these things, which I've told you about, and you're just ignoring them.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:18 pm
by GeniusCobyWalker
Basic But will keep working on it

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:06 pm
by JamesM
AlexExtreme wrote:
shiner wrote:my GUI :P
stopped working on it after alex told me to.
anyway, continuing working on it would be a really pain cause the Exclaim API is still unstable and not complete.
I told you to stop working on it because you seemed to be completely ignoring the fact that I already have plans for a GUI, not because of the API... And you seem to be doing that with networking stuff as well - I already have plans for these things, which I've told you about, and you're just ignoring them.
Well, looks like our network stack will be ready before yours - Matt's already working on it :D

He reckons he'll have a page being served over HTTP before the week's out... Pedigree finally goes one better than it's Exclaim counterpart! :)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:04 am
by ruisleipa
Screenshot of my operating system AgileOS:

It has a working device manager and handle manager. It supports text mode display, floppies and keyboards. The console driver has limited support for ANSI control codes.

As the system will be quite different from other OSes, I may implement my own file system if I don't find a suitable one.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:45 am
by xyzzy
JamesM wrote:Well, looks like our network stack will be ready before yours - Matt's already working on it :D

He reckons he'll have a page being served over HTTP before the week's out... Pedigree finally goes one better than it's Exclaim counterpart! :)
Pssshh. Better? Impossible! :twisted:

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:28 am
by OrOS
Hears a battle of programming winzorz!

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:46 am
by Troy Martin
Or.. gasp! 0x07?

TBOS 0.6.1 - unfinished:
TBOS 0.6.1 - unfinished
TBOS 0.6.1 - unfinished
TBOS32 0.2.0 - unfinished, might not release if I can't fix the panic bugs (attached)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:25 pm
by Firestryke31
My latest screenshots:

My second stage failing for the first time on RHW! I'm so proud Image

An unrefined memory map, along with a test panic, in FBLOADER.EXE (compiled with MinGW).

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:17 am
by AndrewAPrice
Here's my microkernel. A console window is open showing my shell (/applications/shell - autostarts because it's loaded as a grub module), I load a test program (/applications/whitewindow - guess what it does), and then made the shell try to write to location 0. I have some other test applications.

Multitasks (alt-tab to switch), most forms of IPC is working (pipes, messaging, and shared memory), no mouse - only keyboard for now.

Edit from 2014: I've restarted my OS since this!

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:22 am
by dosfan
I'll join the fun. Here is a picture of my kernel (fuze2) running bash on some real hardware.

Nothing revolutionary about my kernel, simply higher-half monolithic. I had to implement a ramdisk driver to get this picture as I didn't want to trash my netbook. I'm working hard on ext2 write support so hopefully the next picture will be the kernel compiling itself.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:53 am
by easion
xynth is running on my os :)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:58 am
by Mechina
Creature wrote:Here's a screenshot of the initialization screen that I've just repolished (the old one was too classic):

How are you drawing those borders around the progress bar?

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:14 am
by Love4Boobies
Mechina wrote:How are you drawing those borders around the progress bar?
Tell me you're kidding... Standard VGA ASCII characters, anyone?

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:32 am
by Combuster

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:17 am
by Creature
Mechina wrote:
Creature wrote:Here's a screenshot of the initialization screen that I've just repolished (the old one was too classic):

<Insert image here>
How are you drawing those borders around the progress bar?
Sorry for not replying too fast, I had some issues with the blacklist from Spamhaus (as some others did as well). As posted before me, the bars are a part of the ASCII table. For example, integer value 205 as character is the horizontal bar. If you can't input these characters directly into your source file, you can cast the integer, like this:

Code: Select all

_MyKernelPrint(unsigned char c); //Defined somewhere, prints a symbol.


void foo()
   _MyKernelPrint((unsigned char) 205); //Print ASCII value 205, the horizontal bar.
I'm using unsigned char (byte) here, but a plain 'char' should do the trick.