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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:18 pm
by Curufir
bkilgore wrote: Bochs is deterministic, so it shouldnt vary from run-to-run. Because bochs emulates every part of the cpu and common MB hardware instead of virtualizing it, you are guaranteed that timings will be consistent with each other from one run to the next, though (as we have all experienced) not consistent with real life.
Yeah, perhaps I wasn't clear on what I was meaning.

What I meant is that if you take an external timing of the emulation then it will vary from run to run, depending on how much load the host computer is under (Eg Don't run big compilation at the same time as Bochs). Internally though everything is deterministic unless you use the PIT configuration option.


Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:05 pm
by Dreamsmith
I've found that if you fiddle with the following line in bochsrc.txt:

Code: Select all

ips: 3000000 can get fairly consistent and accurate timing in Bochs. Not millisecond accuracy, obviously, but close enough so that once you've got it giving you close to the expected number of PIT/RTC ticks per real-world second, it does so pretty consistently.