Re:Common Object Model Linking
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:32 pm
In regards to COM again, one of the problems I keep having is that the reference material I have found on it seems execptioanlly poor in explaining the conceptual framework of the model; they tend concentrate on the pragmatics of using it, without explaining why things are done in such-and-such a manner. As a result, I have always gotten the impression that it was a very ad-hoc system, without much purposeful design put into it (much like VB). Perhaps it would help if you could provide an overview of it to help clarify the ideas underlying it, Zloba. I'm sure it would be of interest to even those who dislike COM already.
However, I would recommend restraining your enthusiam about it, and sticking to basics rather than prostelytizing. You're more likely to get a fair hearing from us that way; blind pangyrics do not make effective engineering critiques. Also, you can expect some vigorous debate on it, as there will be others who will disagree with you (from design and practical points of view, not simply out of MS-bashing).
However, I would recommend restraining your enthusiam about it, and sticking to basics rather than prostelytizing. You're more likely to get a fair hearing from us that way; blind pangyrics do not make effective engineering critiques. Also, you can expect some vigorous debate on it, as there will be others who will disagree with you (from design and practical points of view, not simply out of MS-bashing).