Personal Question

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Re:Personal Question

Post by Thunder »

Well I'm 18 years old, I'm creating OS for 1.5 years ;)
I've started to program at age of 15 ;)

I know C, ASM, Pascal, VB, PHP, HTML, JAVAScript, mySQL a little comparing with you guys ;)

So, I interested in OSDEV and now I'm creating Storm OS

Re:Personal Question

Post by stonedzealot »

I'm almost 18 (<1 month), devving for about 6 solid months in the past 10 or 11 months because school takes so much time.

Started programming at 6 when I tore apart Duke Nukem the original to "see what was inside", needless to say I found nothing of meaning to a 6 year old. My dad (also a programmer) gave me a little QB book to breeze through in light of my interest in programs. When he went professional, he started to use Paradox 5 then through Borland's Delphi 1 - 7. I followed him up to Delphi 5 then branched off into lots of game scripting with UnrealScript (which is essentially Epic Megagames' C++) and finally into C and ASM when I was up one really late night thinking "What could I do that would be really fun and cool?". From ASM, OSDev was just one step away.

Re:Personal Question

Post by Adek336 »

I'm 15, so I see I'm not the youngest here... that somewhat makes me feel more relaxed ;)

Re:Personal Question

Post by mystran »

Hi, I'm 21. I've been programming since I was 10 or something, maybe a bit earlier. These days I study CS in Helsinki University of Technology, and currently I am trying to explain my girlfriend that it's perfectly normal to use the X-mas holidays to develop a new dialect of Lisp.
BI lazy

Re:Personal Question

Post by BI lazy »


@mystran: That's how priorities can be set. I have to spend whole 3 days with what my sweetheart calls family feasts. Oh, gosh, and that autistic part of my personality flinches and writhes at these prospects. But ... one has to take it with a grain of salt. Afterwards, I'll have looots of days to spend free with her, me and my computers.

I always say in these days: I'm happy when all this christmas thing is over and peace returns again.
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Re:Personal Question

Post by Pype.Clicker »

BI lazy wrote: *rofl*
I have to spend whole 3 days with what my sweetheart calls family feasts.
Hehe ... the top-left key of the keyboard shouldn't be called 'Esc' but rather something like "Xmas" or "Girl" ;) Hopefuly enough, her brother is a geek (so there's no need for explaining why it's normal to code on holiday) and it's snowing here (so it shouldn't be too hard for her to get me out of my broken linux box) so the Xmess stuff might be fun for me ;D

Just short on time to get presents for everybody ...

Re:Personal Question

Post by Karig »

Cripes! Not only am I really late to this party, but I'm the old man on this board! :o I'm 38!

Well, my first computer was a Commodore SX-64 (a quasi-portable version of the Commodore 64, but with a four- or five-inch built-in monitor screen :D ), so naturally my first language was Commodore BASIC, followed by 6510 assembly language (using GeoAssembler -- I was a big GEOS fan).

After watching the Commodore market dry up for good around 1992, I got my first PC -- 386, 4MB RAM, 100MB hard disk (which after the Commodore seemed outlandishly huge), Windows 3.1. On the few occasions when I actually turned to programming again, I dabbled in C and bought books on C++.

As time went by, I upgraded my hardware and graduated to Windows 95, Windows 98, and BeOS. I never got this idea about trying to come up with my own OS until after I'd used BeOS for several months and then Be, Inc. bit the dust.

I now own two computers -- a Pentium 4 with 1 GB of RAM (amazing -- ten times as much RAM as there was space on my first hard drive!) running Windows XP, which I use for all my Web surfing, CD burning, movie-watching, Web-page writing, and off-again, on-again OS development; and a WinBook Pentium laptop which I keep next to my PC and which I use to test new code. I'm using assembly language (NASM) exclusively right now, but eventually I'll want to write a compiler for colorForth (or a language much like it) and use that as my main language for everyday programming chores.

Re:Personal Question

Post by samuelhard »


I am 24. I have only 6 years of experience in computer programming.

I know X86 Assembly, C, C++, Java and VC++ which are usefull in OS developement.

I started my OS project 3 years back. But i started coding only after 2001 May. Now i stopped developing and back to designing phase (because of the buggy Driver Model). I am very much impressed by Windows NT architecture and learning it now.

Ace OS -

Re:Personal Question

Post by DennisCGc »

I'm 15 years old, and I got into computers since my 10th with an old i386 :o .
First I got interested in some Batch programs ;D
Then I started programming on my 11th with Basic, then I got into assembly on my 13th.
Since then OSdev got my interests, because of some alt. operating systems, and I'm one year in OSdev.
Also, my OS project started a year ago, which is DennisOS.

(@those people who wonder, why I brought an old topic up: felt like posting to this ;) )
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Re:Personal Question

Post by Brendan »


I was reading this post & decided it's a very good introduction to everyone :)

I'm 30, started programming BASIC when I was 8 and learnt 6502 machine code soon after (Commodore 64's BASIC was written by Microsoft - machine code was around 40 times faster). I wrote the first assembler I ever used, including a disassembler capable of converting commercial software into source code.

I bought an 80486DX66 when it was one of the fastest computers money could buy, didn't like Windows 3.11 and started writing real mode OS's :-)

Time's have changed. Now I'm running my own electrical contracting business so that I can work when I'm not programming instead of programming when I'm not working..


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Re:Personal Question

Post by Neo »

I should have added info here. I'm 21+ and am from the Eastern end of the world where technology starts out as late as ever. (The sun rises first though). ;)
I got my first computer 2 years back and have loved programming ever since. Yeah thats right the prices here are quite high for middle class guys to afford a computer.
I see that most of you guys here take many things for granted such as the ability to access the net for hours together etc.. This isn't the case here every second counts. Thats why I'm not able to do a lot of stuff I would otherwise like doing. But I'm not complaining "Life's Like That"
BTW I've always wanted to guys to know that this is the best board Ive seen.
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Re:Personal Question

Post by Solar »

As some people took offense recently from my attempts at humor, this is meant to be funny. Please don't take offense, OK? ;-)

It looks like we have two "poles" here:

* The "kids" who started with some 486 or later and learned about programming, and

* the vets who started no later than a C64 and have picked up some m4d sk1llz over the years.

In between, we have kids with m4d sk1llz and vets who should know better:
kataklinger wrote: Just one more thing:"Every problem has solution! Everything is possible!"
Two words: "halting problem". ;D
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.
BI lazy

Re:Personal Question

Post by BI lazy »

1. In Vienna we say: Geht ned gibts ned.

2. Solar, nice try at l33t script. *gg* as for the lads taking offence at your humourous attemptsesss *oh yess my precioussss, funny they want to be, these bagginnssesss... *, they shall take their own noses and think just how often they 've tried to use some sarcasm or humour and so forth just to find it difficult to express such a thing in a foreign language like english for they lack the subtle words one needs for that kind of word game. And then shall they come hither and break the staff over others *damnit* - well I won't wash my hands in innocence. ];->

3. Oh sweet c64 times, cool they've been: Remember those long winters nights spent behind the screen daddling Pirates! or Defender of the Crown? and that music ... but I don't consider myself a *vet* for I wouldna dare deprive an ox of it's jewels even if my dear life depended on it. *roflmao*
Eero Ränik

Re:Personal Question

Post by Eero Ränik »

Oh well. I'm 13, and I started with computers when I was 4. When I was 5 I started programming, first Pascal, but it was too hard for me at the time, so I started with Q-Basic instead. I started OS programming in the age of 12.
So I'm between the two "poles"...

Re:Personal Question

Post by Curufir »

C64, yup I remember the huge floppies, Pirates! (Still a damn good game), being convinced that I could see ***** on Defenders of the Crown (Damn hormones ;D), Uridium, R-Type, Elite (For me this game is proof of the existence of God :)).

I can go back a bit further though. How many of you have used a Commodore Pet?
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