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Re:Keyboard IRQ

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2002 9:14 pm
by Tom
oh and here is my GDT code...might be a prob?(don't worry about the comments, still working with c/p to re-build)

; Data section

; Make a new GDT for the IDT
; Global Descriptor Table: This tells the computer where all the segments ( now selectors ) are
; NULL descriptor
   dw 0      ; limit 15:0
   dw 0      ; base 15:0
   db 0      ; base 23:16
   db 0      ; type
   db 0      ; limit 19:16, flags
   db 0      ; base 31:24

; unused descriptor
   dw 0
   dw 0
   db 0
   db 0
   db 0
   db 0

DataSel      equ   $-gdt
   dw 0FFFFh
   dw 0
   db 0
   db 92h      ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
   db 0CFh      ; page-granular (4 gig limit), 32-bit
   db 0

CodeSel      equ   $-gdt
   dw 0FFFFh
   dw 0
   db 0
   db 9Ah      ; present,ring 0,code,non-conforming,readable
   db 0CFh      ; page-granular (4 gig limit), 32-bit
   db 0

   dw gdt_end - gdt - 1
   dd gdt

Re:Keyboard IRQ

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2002 9:24 pm
by Tom
:-[ a inportb for gotoxy in textmode works...but port 0x60 and 0x64 won't work!