UEFI split from bans and appeals

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Re: UEFI split from bans and appeals

Post by eryjus »

Antti wrote:
eryjus wrote:My computer hobbies are more CS oriented.
Just an offtopic note, but your code base seems to have a lot of comments and especially the JOURNAL.md is quite impressive. It won't take a century to have something ready. :)
Thank you for the compliment!! I don't advertise the journal other than my signature block and was wondering if anyone had taken a look. I've been programming for half my life and for a quarter century. My hope is to leave something behind for the next group of up-and-comers.

The name is fitting: Century Hobby OS -- At this rate, it's gonna take me that long!
Read about my mistakes and missteps with this iteration: Journal

"Sometimes things just don't make sense until you figure them out." -- Phil Stahlheber
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