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Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:40 am
by rdos
There actually is a 386 solution. It is possible to change cmpxchg to add. The results for cmpxchg is that 0->1, 1->1 and 2->2. However, the line after a failed cmpxchg sets 1->2, so in essence the function is 0->1, 1->2 and 2->2. An add would be very similar. The only difference is that 2->3, and that if many threads execute the initial add only, the value could go up considerably. However, if a 16 bit value is used up to 65535 threads could try to access the mutex at the same time without the counter rolling over. For practical purposes, this will be fine. Owen's optimization to overlay the thread-id with the value will not work, but that is of minor importance.
In order to use add/sub, the value range must also change. The initial vaule should be -1, and then CF will be checked in order to detect the fast paths.
At the kernel side, there will be a check if value is -1, 0 or something else. Values -1 and 0 will exit the acquire syscall.
Code: Select all
struct mutex
int handle;
int counter;
short int val;
short int owner;
; es:edi contains mutex
push edi
lea edi,[edi].val
ebx = RdosCreateFutex(es:edi)
pop edi
mov [edi].handle,ebx
mov [edi].val,-1
mov [edi].counter,0
mov [edi].owner,0
str eax
cmp ax,[edi].owner
jne lock_do
inc [edi].counter
lock add [edi].val,1
jc lock_take
mov ax,1
xchg ax,[edi].val
cmp ax,-1
je lock_take
mov ebx,[edi].handle
jmp lock_retry
str eax
mov [edi].owner,ax
mov [edi].counter,1
str eax
cmp ax,[edi].owner ; check owner for safety
jne unlock_done
sub [edi].counter,1
jnz unlock_done
mov [edi].owner,0
lock sub [edi].val,1
jc unlock_done
mov [edi].val,-1
mov ebx,[edi].handle
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:26 pm
by rdos
I plan to provide the more efficient userspace mutexes (which I call critical sections), transparently. Today, the code patcher will patch a syscall when it encounters these instructions. However, I've provided new hooks so the loader can provide a different patch that is the near call to the fast mutexes that are based on futexes. This part of the patching procedure now works for flat applications using PE-format. Now I only need to implement the kernel part (the futexes) before I can make some serious tests.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:42 pm
by rdos
Some more redesigns.
In order to provide a "safe" (and compatible) interface I changed the idea about returning an address to the mutex data structure. Instead I predefine a maximum number of mutexes that a process can create (currently 1024), and allocate linear space for an index array + the actual mutex data (which then is 16 * 1024 bytes). I then initialize the index array with zeros. The interface will work with indexes into the array (1..1024), which is safer.
Then I used the original futex-idea so now I don't allocate the handle at initialization time, rather only when a thread is about to block. Since I don't want to expose kernel data (and especially not scheduler lists) to applications, I still use the handle concept. When the first thread is about to block, it acquires a kernel lock, allocates the handle (and thus the block-list) and fills in the handle in the userlevel mutex data structure. The next time something is blocked, the stored handle will be dereferenced, which is much faster than looking up physical addresses. The application cannot forge the handle to manipulate scheduler lists. When a mutex no longer is used, the application should delete it, and then also possibly free the handle if it is allocated.
The nice thing is that the whole sequence of create, acquire, release and delete a mutex can be done without syscalls if there is no contention.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:49 pm
by rdos
OK, so now I've implemented the kernel-side also, and made some tests.
The test code looks like this
Code: Select all
void test_thread(char mych)
for (;;)
It runs fine with 2 threads on a dual-code PC, as well as with 3 threads on a dual-core and 6-core PC.
However, there is a problem with fairness. Since the code takes the mutex almost immediately after releasing it, most of the time the woken-up threads will have no time to activate and compete for the mutex, so frequently the same thread will run multiple rounds before it accidently loose the race. It is worse on the 6-core AMD Athlon, probably because it is much faster.
A possible solution is to force a reschedule every time the futex_release syscall is called, but that would also slow down the code when it is less extreme than in this case.
A more elaborate test:
Code: Select all
char someval;
void test_thread(char mych)
for (;;)
someval = mych;
if (someval != mych)
for (;;)
The code never gets to the infinite loop, which should be an indication that no more than one thread could be in the protected section.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:28 pm
by Nable
What about calling (with some condition checking) smth like sched_yield from the application if you want fairness? Such mixture of preemption and cooperative multitasking.
Else it's a scheduler task to provide fairness by keeping some trace counters for threads and preempting those who have the highest values of, for example, section_acquire counter.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:38 pm
by rdos
Nable wrote:What about calling (with some condition checking) smth like sched_yield from the application if you want fairness? Such mixture of preemption and cooperative multitasking.
Else it's a scheduler task to provide fairness by keeping some trace counters for threads and preempting those who have the highest values of, for example, section_acquire counter.
The example is quite extreme because it takes perhaps 100 times as long to execute the protected code compared to retake the mutex. That will hardly ever happen in real situations.
I tried to do a yield in the release_futex call, but it doesn't do much good. About the only effect is that it consumes a lot of cycles which in itself increases chances for another core / thread to win the race for the mutex.
I think I just let it be. No sense in optimizing for unlikely cases.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:18 pm
by Owen
If the futex was contented, then the unlocker knows this and has to call into the kernel. If you're already in the kernel, surely it can't be that expensive to
- Pick the first task off the waiting list
- Rewrite the futex (which is still in the locked state) to be locked by this task
- Unblock the task
No need to (necessarily) immediately go for a full schedule - but in doing this you've (inexpensively, one hopes) guaranteed fairness
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:12 am
by rdos
Owen wrote:If the futex was contented, then the unlocker knows this and has to call into the kernel. If you're already in the kernel, surely it can't be that expensive to
- Pick the first task off the waiting list
- Rewrite the futex (which is still in the locked state) to be locked by this task
- Unblock the task
No need to (necessarily) immediately go for a full schedule - but in doing this you've (inexpensively, one hopes) guaranteed fairness
What happens is this:
- The owner releases the futex (setting it to "free"), and then unblocks one thread
- The owner then exists the release code, and directly enters the lock code again
- If the woken-up thread hasn't been activated yet, the previous owner will take the futex again (it's free)
- The woken-up thread is activated, and tries to take the futex, but it can't because it is already taken, and thus will be blocked again
What is needed to avoid this scenario is that the thread that unblocks one thread cannot be allowed to continue until the unblocked thread is running. This means it must be preempted. It is a race-condition.
I might look into Owen's solution above where the thread that releases the futex will set the unblocked thread to the owner of the futex. That could work, especially since owner is the task selector, which is easily available when unblocking. The retry code also must be changed so a retrying thread first checks if it is the owner, and if it is, just exists the acquire procedure. Additionally, the thread that unblocks one thread probably shouldn't set the mutex to "free" before it does the unblock syscall. To ensure fairness, it should set it to "contended".
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:13 am
by rdos
OK, updated code according to Owen's idea (and with the user-handle concept):
Code: Select all
struct mutex
int handle;
int counter;
short int val;
short int owner;
; create new mutex
; returns handle in ebx
push eax
push ecx
push edx
push edi
mov edx,OFFSET handle_tab
mov edi,edx
repnz scasd ; search for free handle
jnz create_done ; no free handles
sub ebx,ecx
push ebx ; ebx now is the handle (1-based index)
dec ebx
sub edi,4 ; edi is the handle table index
mov eax,12
mul ebx
add eax,4 * MAX_SECTIONS
mov edx,eax
add edx,OFFSET handle_tab ; edx is the mutex entry itself
mov [edi],edx ; save address to mutex in index array
mov [edx].handle,0 ; initialize mutex
mov [edx].val,-1
mov [edx].counter,0
mov [edx].owner,0
pop ebx
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
; free mutex
; ebx is handle
push edx
sub ebx,1
jc free_done
cmp ebx,MAX_SECTIONS ; check that hande is in range
jae free_done
shl ebx,2
add ebx,OFFSET handle_tab
xor eax,eax
xchg eax,[ebx] ; mark handle as free
or eax,eax
jz free_done
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,[ebx].handle ; check if a kernel contention handle has been allocated
or eax,eax
jz free_done
FreeFutex(ebx) ; free kernel side handle
xor ebx,ebx
pop edx
; lock mutex
; ebx is handle
push eax
push edx
sub ebx,1
jc lock_done ; invalid zero handle
jae lock_done ; index out of range
shl ebx,2
add ebx,OFFSET handle_tab
mov ebx,[ebx]
or ebx,ebx
jz lock_done ; not allocated
str ax
cmp ax,[ebx].owner
jne lock_do ; already owned?
inc [ebx].counter
jmp lock_done
lock add [ebx].val,1
jc lock_take
mov eax,1
xchg ax,[ebx].val ; double check so it isn't free, and avoid the "roll-over" problem
cmp ax,-1
jne lock_block
str ax ; set as owner
mov [ebx].owner,ax
mov [ebx].counter,1
jmp lock_done
RdosAcquireFutex(ebx) ; block
pop ebx
pop eax
; unlock mutex
; ebx is handle
push eax
push ebx
sub ebx,1
jc unlock_done ; invalid zero handle
jae unlock_done ; index out of range
shr ebx,2
add ebx,OFFSET handle_tab
mov ebx,[ebx]
or ebx,ebx
jz unlock_done ; not allocated
str ax
cmp ax,[ebx].owner
jne unlock_done ; check that owner is correct
sub [ebx].counter,1
jnz unlock_done
mov [ebx].owner,0
lock sub [ebx].val,1
jc unlock_done ; go if not contended
mov [ebx].val,-1 ; temporarily set to free to handle race condition with wakeup
pop ebx
pop eax
Edit: When the acquire call returns from kernel, the kernel can ensure that the mutex is always owned, and thus there is no need to check after the blocking call returns.
Edit2: In order to handle race conditions it is necesary to set the mutex to free before doing the release futex syscall.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:06 am
by rdos
Here is the kernel-side, with some pseudo-code:
Code: Select all
; acquire futex
; es:ebx is address of mutex data
push ds
push fs
push eax
push ebx
push cx
push esi
mov esi,ebx
mov ebx,es:[esi].fs_handle
DerefHandle ; try to deref kernel handle
jnc acquire_no_sect
mov ax,task_sel
mov ds,ax
EnterSection ds:futex_section ; take a kernel mutex to ensure only one kernel handle is allocated
mov ebx,es:[esi].fs_handle
DerefHandle ; retry with lock
jnc acquire_handle_ok
mov cx,SIZE futex_handle_seg
AllocateHandle ; allocate kernel handle
mov ds:[ebx].fh_list,0 ; clear block-list
mov ds:[ebx].fh_lock,0 ; initialize spinlock
mov [ebx].hh_sign,FUTEX_HANDLE ; set to this handle-type
movzx eax,[ebx].hh_handle
mov es:[esi].fs_handle,eax ; save handle in user-level mutex
push ds
mov ax,task_sel
mov ds,ax
LeaveSection ds:futex_section ; release handle mutex
pop ds
call LockCore ; lock core so no scheduling can happen
call cs:lock_futex_proc ; take mutex spinlock
mov ax,1
xchg ax,es:[esi].val ; make sure nobody just left the section
cmp ax,-1
je acquire_take
mov ax,ds
push OFFSET acquire_done ; save resume-point on stack
call SaveLockedThread ; save thread state
mov ds,ax
lea edi,[ebx].fh_list
mov es,fs:ps_curr_thread
mov fs:ps_curr_thread,0
call InsertBlock32 ; block into block list
call cs:unlock_futex_proc ; release spinlock
mov es:p_sleep_sel,ds
mov es:p_sleep_offset,edi
jmp LoadThread ; schedule
str ax
mov es:[esi].owner,ax ; set self to owner
mov es:[esi].counter,1
call cs:unlock_futex_proc ; free mutex spinlock
call UnlockCore ; unlock scheduler
pop esi
pop cx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop fs
pop ds
; release futex
; es:ebx address of user-level mutex data
push ds
push fs
push eax
push ebx
push cx
push esi
mov esi,ebx ; save user-level base in esi
mov ebx,es:[esi].handle
DerefHandle ; dereference handle
jc release_done
call LockCore ; lock scheduler
call cs:lock_futex_proc ; take futex spinlock
mov ax,ds:[ebx].fh_list
or ax,ax
jz release_unlock ; check if somebody is blocked, go if not
mov ax,1
xchg ax,es:[esi].val ; try to acquire the mutex
cmp ax,-1
jne release_unlock ; if somebody already has it, go
push di
push es
push esi
lea esi,ds:[ebx].fh_list
call RemoveBlock32 ; remove a waiting thread
mov es:p_data,0
mov cx,es ; save thread block
mov di,es:p_tss_sel ; get task selector of waiting thread
pop esi
pop es
mov es:[esi].owner,di ; set owner
mov es:[esi].counter,1 ; set count
call cs:unlock_futex_proc ; release mutex spinlock
push es
mov es,cx ; restore thread block
mov di,OFFSET ps_wakeup_list
call InsertCoreBlock ; insert unblocked thread into wakeup list
pop es
pop di
call UnlockCore ; unlock scheduler
jmp release_done
call cs:unlock_futex_proc ; release mutex spinlock
call UnlockCore ; unlock scheduler
pop esi
pop cx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop fs
pop ds
Edit: Made some more modifications. In essence, what the release_futex syscall does is that it tries to acquire the futex in kernel if somebody is blocked, and then hands it over to the blocked thread. That means the functionality is very similar. It is necesary to set the futex to free before starting to do this because otherwise a concurrent acquire can be on it's way on another core, but still not having lead to a blocked thread.
Edit2: Changed registers as the address of the kernel handle data was destroyed.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:13 pm
by rdos
In order to implement this design in long mode, there is a need for a slight modification. The owner no longer can be determined by using str (task register) since TR is loaded with a per-core value. There is a need for a different thread indicator in long mode. I think a good one is bits 30-39 of application RSP. This is because thread stacks are allocated with 1G alignment from a specific address-range. The identification can be provided as a new parameter to the acquire and release calls, or be determined through the task structure. The latter probably is better since this can be used transparently. When the syscalls determine the thread is running in long mode, it would use the identification in the task structure instead of TR as owner.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:19 pm
by Combuster
rdos wrote:I think a good one is bits 30-39 of application RSP.
I see an exploit coming soon.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:35 am
by rdos
Combuster wrote:rdos wrote:I think a good one is bits 30-39 of application RSP.
I see an exploit coming soon.
Anything that is in the user-part of structure can be abused by user-mode, which includes the owner field. Thus, you don't need an "exploit", you can already do it in 32-bit by setting owner to anything you like. The owner field is not used for anything in kernel, other than as an indicator of who user-mode set to owner. If all the exploit is for is to mark the section as occupied, it is easier to do with an acquire call
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:56 am
by rdos
There is a new field in the thread structure called p_futex_id, which kernel side uses to match owner. In 32-bit mode, this field is set to TR on thread creation. In 64-bit mode, the long mode monitor will use bits 30-46 of the newly created thread's RSP as the id, and call a register function in the scheduler to set p_futex_id to this value. At the user-mode side, 32-bit will use str for the owner field, while 64-bit mode will use current RSP bits 30-46.
Re: Critical sections in userspace without syscalls?
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:08 am
by FallenAvatar
If it wasn't an issue, why did you suddenly update us with how you "fixed" it?
- Monk