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RE:TCPA isn't all bad

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:00 pm
by Anton
I mean the HDD will be encrypted like DVD disk are encrypted.(So, only special software can read it)

So OK, what can we do?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:00 pm
by eiforall
OK, TCPA is bad because it will only slow the hackers down and it will slow us – OS developers even more.  We would have to break decryption keys and have all this shebang on our heads.  So OK, what can we do?  Go to down to Microsoft with anti-TCPA banners and protest?  That’s funny.  So what do we do organize and an internet protest and try to keep every one form buying TCPA devises?  That’s even more ridicules then the first.  So the only solution is to organize and anti TCPA site and have all the decryption methods listed with GNU source code.  I am sure that some thing like this will immerge if it has not yet.  So TCPA is just their weird way to try to take over the market that we have no control over, just have to live with.

RE:TCPA isn't all bad

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:00 pm
by Shmooze
I think i should back you up here, my interpretation is this:

The control codes for the DVD drive are basically the same as for CD-ROM drives, so that the BIOS can do bootable discs. HOWEVER, if the DVD drive comes across an encrypted sector (of video, say) on the disc, the HARDWARE WILL NOT TRANSMIT THE SECTOR TO MEMORY UNTIL YOU GIVE IT THE CORRECT CODES, WHICH ARE AN EXTENSION OF THE NORMAL ONES. (This is why you can't iso-rip DVDs) These codes cost about £10000 to get from the DVD consortium, or whatever they all themselves. If it hits a normal sector, everything is fine, its just the encrypted video.

Some people have cracked the DVD codes, hence why you can download free software to rip video files from DVDs and to make 1->1 iso copies of them.

Since i know i'm basically right, we can go back to TCPA, which basically seems to be a conspiracy to stop music & video companies losing money through piracy, by which they actually mean crap artists and worthless movies. Also, it means that M$ could force you to buy upgrades for ever by letting you buy their software once, and to use it for a while, but when the new version comes out, they start witholding the license keys for the old version (which you download each time you use it - a key part of M$s vision of TCPA) to force you to upgrade - and you can't switch because M$ will not allow the OS to let other programmes open "their" files.

RE:TCPA isn't all bad

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:00 pm
by Anton
Additional thoughts
>do you lock the  door on  your house when you leave? how about the car when
>you go into the store?
You do this your self, but with TCPA, it will be done by some stranger(Like microsoft)which we should trust for some reason. This stranger can give out(sell, lose, ...) this key, and then your data will be unprotected. So, you will be thinking that your computer is protected by TCPA, but in reality your key is known.
I prefer to lock my system(hous,car) myself, and not let some stranger do it.