Most RISC designs have long term stability. Modern ARMv7 based processors are fully compatible with applications written for ARMv4, which was first released in 1994. (Support for ARMv3 apps has been removed, at least partially, because they have become extinct.) SPARCv9 will run code for the original SPARC just fine.rdos wrote:No, it is actually a very good and long-time stable design, unlike most RISC processors that needs to be programmed in C (with frequent compiler rewrites). The only problem is that Intel tried to sabotage x86 architecture totally with Itanium, and when AMD later introduced their fix broke the chain of mode interoperability (IOW, 16/32 bit cannot live with 64 bit).
But there isn't any real mode interoperability on x86_32 anyway. 16-bit and 32-bit code can't interoperate for the simple reason that a 16-bit application doesn't know how to deal with a 32-bit address. 64 and 32-bit apps in practice interoperate as well as 16 and 32-bit ones did.