Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:26 pm
I compile everything from scratch, and use qemu for emulation. Mostly I just boot up into my PII machine for testing XANA (since I need to write to a floppy anyway for the image -- no loopback).
The Place to Start for Operating System Developers
Code: Select all
1360 KB_handle:
1361 .LFB4:
1362 01f1 83EC0C subl $12, %esp ; << note this line
1363 .LCFI8:
1364 #APP
1365 01f4 FA cli
1366 01f5 50 pushl %eax
1367 01f6 53 pushl %ebx
1368 01f7 51 pushl %ecx
1369 01f8 52 pushl %edx
1370 01f9 56 pushl %esi
1371 01fa 57 pushl %edi
1372 01fb 54 pushl %esp
1373 #NO_APP
1374 01fc E8FCFFFF call _D5Stdin7read_KBFZa
1374 FF
1375 0201 88C2 movb %al, %dl
1376 0203 FF050000 incl _D5Stdin10KB_BUFFLENk
1376 0000
1377 0209 A1000000 movl _D5Stdin10KB_BUFFLENk, %eax
1377 00
1378 020e 88140500 movb %dl, _D5Stdin9KB_BUFFERG1024a(,%eax)
1378 000000
1379 0215 83EC0C subl $12, %esp
1380 .LCFI9:
1381 0218 A1000000 movl _D5Stdin10KB_BUFFLENk, %eax
1381 00
1382 021d 0FB60405 movzbl _D5Stdin9KB_BUFFERG1024a(,%eax), %eax
1382 00000000
1383 0225 50 pushl %eax
1384 .LCFI10:
1385 0226 E8FCFFFF call _D3std5stdio4putcFaZv
1385 FF
1386 022b 83C410 addl $16, %esp
1387 .LCFI11:
1388 022e E8FCFFFF call _D3pic3EOIFZv
1388 FF
1389 #APP
1390 0233 5C popl %esp
1391 0234 5F popl %edi
1392 0235 5E popl %esi
1393 0236 5A popl %edx
1394 0237 59 popl %ecx
1395 0238 5B popl %ebx
1396 0239 58 popl %eax
1397 023a C9 leave
1398 023b 66CF iretw
1399 #NO_APP
1400 023d 83C40C addl $12, %esp ; << also Note this line
1401 0240 C3 ret
Code: Select all
global IRQ1
extern KB_handle
call KB_handle
Code: Select all
static extern (C) void KB_handle () {
. . .
void init_KB (inout IDT i) {
i.set(IRQs.IRQ1, @IRQ1);