Brendan wrote:onlyonemac wrote:But in the process of attempting to support those input devices (which, I gather, are a minority) you are compromising the efficiency of mainstream input devices.
No, I'm not. What makes you think that?
I know you
think that you're not, but in reality you are but are just unable to recognise that.
Brendan wrote:Do you think a mouse requires a radically different user interface to a trackball? Do you think that speech recognition requires a radically different user interface to a [url=]handwriting recognition[//url]/OCR system?
Do you think a mouse requires a radically different user interface to a handwriting recognition system? Yes, it does, but you're trying to group those all into the same set of events, and trying to map all input devices to all of the events even if those devices can't reasonably be mapped to those events.
Brendan wrote:Do you think it's impossible to create a super-set of events, by simply combining the set of events that each type of input device provides?
No that is not impossible, but you're trying to create a sub-set of events from all input devices and then map all input devices across all of those events, without accepting any compromise for the less common/non-existent devices.
Brendan wrote:Do you think device drivers can't emulate some/most events that were more suited to a different type of input device (e.g. use keypad to emulate mouse, use voice commands to provide up/down/left right, use a virtual keyboard to emulate key presses with mouse or touch screen, use eye-tracking to emulate mouse, etc)?
Wow, so my keypad acts like a mouse? That's so cool!!! Now I want to use it to move the insertion point in my document... oh dear, I can't, because we had to leave the actual keypad functionality out because there's no way to make the mouse act like a keypad!!!
Brendan wrote:Sigh. Sure, if a sighted user is sitting in front of a nice large monitor they'll use that monitor. They won't install a nice large monitor into their car's windscreen so they can use it while driving. They won't glue a nice large monitor on the front of a bicycle helmet. They won't push a trolley in front of them while walking their dogs.
They also won't be trying to move the elements around on the slides in their presentation while they're walking their dogs, so developers won't put the ability to move the elements on the slides around in the audio interface, meaning that those who rely on the audio interface to move the elements around (i.e. blind people) won't be able to do that at all and so will be at a disadvantage against sighted presenters.
Brendan wrote:Wrong. Quitting your job and/or abandoning your car so that you can use a video interface is not more efficient than just using audio to determine and/or change things like font styles while writing a novel or something where you don't care about font styles 99% of the time and only need the ability rarely.
You honestly believe that people will quit their job and abandon their car so that they can carry on working on their document? Actually they'll just stop working on the document for a while, and carry on when they've finished driving.
Also, as you quite rightly pointed out, people don't care about font styles 99% of the time, so they'll leave that task for when they've got access to a graphical interface and find something else to do, and so developers won't bother putting that functionality in the audio interface.
You seriously need get the cause and effect the right way round; in that one quote you've got it wrong twice. The first time you had people abandoning their car so they can work on a document when actually they'll stop working on the document so they can drive their car, and the second time you had people struggling to change font styles with an audio interface because of how infrequently they care about font styles when actually they'll change the font styles with a graphical interface because of how infrequently they care about font styles.
Brendan wrote:Note that nobody (that I know of) is able to read multiple sentences simultaneously; and as they read their eyes and brain turn it into a linear sequence. Even for "3D video" you'd select a cell (e.g. focus at that depth, look at the cell) and read the cell's contents as a linear sequence.
Reading is linear, but scanning for information is not. Try finding one cell containing a particular number in a large spreadsheet when you can only hear one cell being read out at a time and see how long it takes you to find it; as a sighted person you can scan quickly around a page and take in all of the information almost in parallel.
Brendan wrote:onlyonemac wrote:Brendan wrote:Yes; I'm trying to avoid limiting the ways that computers can be used; partly because there are a lot of people that can benefit now, and partly because I'm trying to defend against the future.
In trying to defend against the future, you are limiting the ways in which computers can be used currently.
Wrong. The ways in which computers can be used currently is limited by the past. By doing something less limited I defend against the future while also improving the present.
Once again you're failing to recognise how your attempts to future-proof your OS are reducing efficiency in current systems, rather than improving them. I've already told you how to future-proof your OS in a way that doesn't do this, but you just called it "retarded".
Brendan wrote:Every successful development in the computing industry has been a direct result of technology, then economics and marketing. When technology makes something possible, it ends up being a contest between economics (price) and marketing (convincing people they want to pay that price). Users have no idea what they want until they see it (until marketing shoves it in their face and tells them to want it).
Go get a job at Microsoft, who completely ignore what their users want and use marketing to shove stuff in their users' faces and convince them how important it is that they buy it right now, then redirect all their complaints to /dev/null while you blissfully dream of the next big thing you're going to force onto your users. Or you can listen to what users want and respond accordingly.
You know why I prefer Android to Windows? Because Google listen to what their users want and give them just that. You know why I prefer Linux to Windows? Because the developers read all of the suggestions that users submit, find the most popular ones, and work on implementing them. When GNOME 3 abandoned many traditional desktop concepts and Ubuntu switched to the Unity desktop environment, the uproar was horrendous and many users wanted GNOME 2 back, so a group of developers got together and forked the original GNOME 2 project and created the MATE desktop environment. Then another group of developers got together and combined the MATE desktop environment with Ubuntu to make Ubuntu MATE, and since the first release it's become incredibly popular and many Ubuntu users are switching to it. That's what it means to listen to your users, and that's what creates true success in the computer industry. If Microsoft had taken the same approach as those two small groups of developers, working at home in their spare time, then they wouldn't be facing all of the hate that they're facing today, and sales of each new Windows release would have been "excellent" rather than "good enough" like they have been for the past few years. Remember: happy users bring profit through satisfaction; frustrated users bring profit only because developers feed off of their ignorance and naivety.
Brendan wrote:[...] and simply didn't care that desktop users wouldn't like it.
Is that justified? Is that the right attitude to take? How do you feel about a big company simply not caring about the majority of their current user base?
Brendan wrote:This is so retarded that it doesn't justify a response. Did you think about what you're saying when you said it?
I see you don't take kindly to a piece of classic software-development wisdom. It is well known that extendibility is a much more powerful weapon against the future than functionality, because no matter how much you implement now there will come a time when your software won't have everything and if it isn't extendible then it will never keep up. That's why Windows fell behind demands in the industry, and now Microsoft are having to turn it into a hackish kludge of conflicting layers to try to keep up. Make your software extendible now, while you're in the early stages, and you will always be able to keep up, and you won't have to try to implement functionality for everything that's going to come out in the next 50 years right now.