The output is not virtually identical. Imagine editing a document with an audio interface along the lines of Siri: I don't want to hear "OK, applying formatting" or "sure, here's a new paragraph" (whatever speed/intonation the voice uses) when editing a document, whereas the lonely truck driver on the road would appreciate a personal touch to the interface to keep him company.Brendan wrote:What I'm doing is focusing on the output side of things (and neglecting the input side), where the output is virtually identical (sans speech synth parameters).
For input; it's just events sent to the front end. For example, the front-end might receive an "UP" event, or a "NEXT_CHILD" event, or an "ESCAPE" event. The developer of the front end doesn't have any reason to care if these events are coming from a keyboard or speech recognition or anything else.
But actually it's not so much about how similar the interfaces are, it's about what subset of those interfaces the majority of users are going to use and what subset of those interfaces blind users absolutely require, and the fact that developers will only implement the subset that the majority of users are going to use and leave blind users behind.
I don't see how that's relevant. I think you're refusing to accept that blind people WILL REFUSE to be given an inferior interface, and that developers won't bother to implement things that only blind users will benefit from (i.e. 75% of the audio interface).Brendan wrote:There's relevant research into this phenomenon.onlyonemac wrote:I never said that blind people can't be casual users; what I said is that they don't want to be restricted to being casual users because the advanced features of an application are only available in the graphical interface. I also never said that sighted people can't be regular users of audio interfaces; what I said is that they aren't going to use an audio interface in the same situations that blind people are required to use audio interfaces, so aren't going to place the same demands on the interface that blind users will (e.g. a sighted user isn't going to care if they can't change the font size of their document with the audio interface because they'll do that later when they've got a monitor available, but a blind user who's trying to produce a professional-looking document certainly will care).
Or how about this idea for the "let's be mean to blind people" camp? Just leave all the work of making anything accessible to the application developer, then look surprised when the application developer doesn't make anything accessible?Brendan wrote:If you think blind people don't deserve anything good; then you could just implement a "generic audio front end on top of any visual front end" (a screen reader) yourself instead of using the audio front ends that were designed specifically for each application.