Re:UI design question
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:10 am
The idea was more about the network-stream or the audio-stream or the keyboard-input-stream... When outputting audio, you'd want an echo effect, I'd like the code to be something like:
but as you can see this is far from nice, and I even had to leave a gap because I can't think of a way to do that ...
Code: Select all
stream::effect<audio> echo = system::getStreamEffect("audio:44100/6/16", "echo");
module <file, audio> mp3loader = system::getModule("file:mp3", "audio:44100/6/16");
module <audio, pausablestream> audiostreamer = system::getModule("audio:44100/6/16", "??? - something like a pausable audio stream");
stream audio = audiostreamer(mp3loader(new file("/mp3z/track01.mp3")));
stream echoedaudio = echo(audio);
module <audio, sound> play = system::getModule("audio:44100/6/16", "sound");