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Re:LD Linking Problems... (2 of them...)
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:37 pm
by Tim
The ELF format doesn't need the _ at the start of identifiers. So your assembly file should use int_00, int_01 etc.
Re:LD Linking Problems... (2 of them...)
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:44 pm
by astrocrep
Thanks for the ieda... but I just tried taking it off of the first one... and it still generated an unknown error... do I need to say anything special in the c++ function to set it off ??
Thanks alot Rich P.
P.S. what wierd is that I have a start.asm that compiled and linked just like my interrupts.asm... and start.asm can call main() just fine... but for some reason interrupts.o doesn't want to play nice.
Re:LD Linking Problems... (2 of them...)
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 5:40 pm
by astrocrep
Well I opted to say forget it!
I have decided that all this struggling isn't worth it for some one whos still beginning. I am gonna drop down to straight C / ASM. I think thats best.
Thanks to all those who have helped, im sure ill be back real soon
Thanks again,
Rich P.