Re:Stack Faults
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:09 am
I've come up with a snag
In order to get the code to work, I made the base address of the code segment 0x10000
This works but is not what I want, obvousely.
Anyway My Jump Code is:
Jmp 0x0008:ToHere
How do I add the extra 0x10000 to ToHere:?
I tried Jmp 0x0008:ToHere + 0x10000, but there was no difference! It just jumped to ToHere:
In order to get the code to work, I made the base address of the code segment 0x10000
This works but is not what I want, obvousely.
Anyway My Jump Code is:
Jmp 0x0008:ToHere
How do I add the extra 0x10000 to ToHere:?
I tried Jmp 0x0008:ToHere + 0x10000, but there was no difference! It just jumped to ToHere: