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Re:Stack Faults

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:09 am
by srg
I've come up with a snag

In order to get the code to work, I made the base address of the code segment 0x10000

This works but is not what I want, obvousely.

Anyway My Jump Code is:

Jmp 0x0008:ToHere

How do I add the extra 0x10000 to ToHere:?

I tried Jmp 0x0008:ToHere + 0x10000, but there was no difference! It just jumped to ToHere:


Re:Stack Faults

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 4:02 pm
by srg
Problem fixed is a perfectly adequate solution, my program moved it's self to segment 0, after moving the IVT to 0x2000. then jump to it ans alls fine!

Thanks for your help in helping the guide me to my solution.

Re:Stack Faults

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 1:36 am
by Pype.Clicker
srg wrote: It also doesn't work on the EXE file, which is a DOS EXE.

Or does it only work with .obj files (as the name would suggest :-[ )
objdump will only work with 32 bits objects files (usually called .o), not with pure "MS-DOS" executables. I dunno about WIN32 executable.