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Re:Gateway booting problem
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 10:28 pm
by jrfritz'll load my kernel for me.
Re:Gateway booting problem
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 10:31 pm
by jrfritz X windows back up and running.
; Reset the floppy drive. Need to do this to read the C++ kernel.
mov ax, 0x00 ; Select Floppy Reset BIOS Function
mov dl, [ drive ] ; Select the floppy FritzOS booted from
int 13h ; Reset the floppy drive
jc ResetFloppy ; If there was a error, try again.
; Read the floppy drive for loading the FritzOS C+ Kernel
mov bx, 9000h ; Load FritzOS at 9000h.
mov ah, 0x02 ; Load disk data to ES:BX
mov al, 17 ; Load two floppy head full's worth of data.
mov ch, 0 ; First Cylinder
mov cl, 2 ; Start at the 2nd Sector, so you don't load the bootsector, you load
; the C++ Kernel/Second Stage Loader ( they are linked together ).
mov dh, 0 ; Use first floppy head
mov dl, [ drive ] ; Load from the drive FritzOS booted from.
int 13h ; Read the floppy disk.
jc ReadFloppy ; Error, try again.
; Now, since FritzOS is over 17 sectors ( one floppy head has 17 sectors ( 18, sector 0 is included in the
; number ), we load another floppy head.
mov al, 17 ; The Second Head Full
inc dh ; Set it to the second head
int 13h ; Read the floppy disk.
jc ReadFloppy2 ; If there was a error, try again.