Re:I need an IDT tutorial... Or a fix?
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 12:48 am
and now comes the "real handler" code:
Note that this structure is to be used only in case of a kernel-mode exception. you also have to get a pointer on it. The easiest way i found is to catch the stack pointer and substract the offset within the structure, for instance just after the pushad
but it should also be done after pushing the segments.
Code: Select all
pushad ; save every generic register
mov ebp,esp
sub ebp,erShot._edi
mov edx,[ebp+erShot.number] ; get back the exc number
test byte [ebp+erShot._cs],IA_SELDPL
; if the exception occured in user mode, the DPL field of the CS
; register will not be nul. if so, we branch to a specific
; save/call/restore chain (not here)
jnz .userlevel
mpush ss,gs,fs,ds,es ; do the following pushes in order
; this is a macro described in NASM manual.
mov ax,S_dataos ; enforces well-known segments
mov bx,S_zeroos
mov ds,ax
mov gs,bx
mov es,ax
marker YELLOW ; just a debug trick of mine: turn border to yellow -- see debug.ash in clicker-kernel/src/head/asm
and edx,0xf
mov al,[HexTable+edx]
mov ah,0x09
mov [gs:158+0xb8000],ax
; debug: write exception number in the top-right corner of the
; screen
; now we call the C exception handler and give it a pointer to the
; stack frame so that it can change the registers value, or dump
; them, whatever :)
fcall _processExcList,ebp
marker LBLUE ; border blue -> all right
mpop gs,fs,ds,es
add esp,4 ; ss skipped!
add esp,8 ; pops EXC number & error code
i've showed you the easiest way i found for doing this: you have a er_shot structure that defines everything that will be useful on the stack in case of an exception.The thing I don't get is this: I don't know how I would pick up the error codes that are passed to them, would I pop them off the stack onto a temp variable?
Code: Select all
struc erShot
._es: resd 1 ;; mpush ss,gs,fs,ds,es
._ds: resd 1
._fs: resd 1
._gs: resd 1
._ss: resd 1
._edi: resd 1 ;; pushad
._esi: resd 1
._ebp: resd 1
._esp: resd 1
._ebx: resd 1
._edx: resd 1
._ecx: resd 1
._eax: resd 1
.number: resd 1 ;; push %1
.errcode: resd 1 ;; CPU | push 0
._eip: resd 1 ;; interrupt frame
._cs: resd 1 ;;
._flags: resd 1
Code: Select all
lea ebp,[esp-er_Shot._edi]
no problemo ... i think with this post, you have your tutorial as wellI have to say Thanks Pype, for at least trying to fix my code, and for making me realize that my junk exceptions will never do...