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Re:Is linux a message based kernel?? Help on implementation
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 9:34 am
by Whatever5k
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Re:Is linux a message based kernel?? Help on implementation
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 8:46 pm
by Warmaster199
I got it... Just copy that link and paste it into the address bar... delete any spaces that were trailed up.
When I looked at this, it definitely caught my attention. During my free time in my peer-tutoring class (I help teach a junk programming language called Turing [puke] --- But it's fun, easy, and the teacher is very thankful), I code little parts of my window manager(WM) for my GUI. I started my WM on thursday using a compiler called PowerC (Takes like 900KBytes and compiles small code!). So far, I have coded the algorythm for drawing my staggered pixel window borders(like IRIX) and some clipping routines. Today I finished the redrawgui(); routine.
Why I bring this up: The GUI I build will also be just a task. Preliminary designs will allow 64 windows (including popped-up menus)... but that's sure to change when I get the thing working enough. The task will be "talked to" with API calls to create windows, destroy windows, add controls(Widgets are the proper term)... I will use a sort of "send_message" type interface. Where every command is issued by the kernel according to mouse and keyboard actions... the GUI then draws it... It all works very much like the diagram you made...
The only thing that you really missed is setting an interrupt that will call send_message(or equiv.) and pull junk off the stack(system calls). This is all VERY VERY simple when we have the interrupts properly working, along with the memory manager and task manager. All these messages are called Inter Process Communication or IPC.
To answer your main question: LINUX is DEFINATELY a message (IPC) based kernel... and so is Windows, and many other operating systems out there... Just make sure you have at least a half decent API for your programs
Good luck
Re:Is linux a message based kernel?? Help on implementation
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 1:52 pm
by soilwork
thanks for the reply, yea, just cut n paste that
I dunno what you think but I find MMURTL to be about perfect.. its got no flaws or anything.. it only needs stuff to add on top of the base...
thats what Im going to do and, from what I remember, MMURTL works like OS/2 as oppoosed to DOS
meaning that it uses GDT or LDT(dont blame me cuz I forgot how the thing works as I didnt work on mem mag and task mag in a LOOONG time) for CALL GATES using the stack instead of regular interupts that usually use registers for arguments
the call gates are better in case there are going to be MANY arguments which most likely will
thanks for the help again
About touring, I think that is the programming language created here by University of Toronto and I was supposed to learn that in my conp tech class but instead were doing Visual Basic which SUX syntax and logic wise... C++ is the best... Visual C++ also sux IDE wise and borland C++ Builder is the best windows RAD ever.. DELPHI is cool too.. used to program in pascal and its a nice language.. simmilar to C++ when it comes to logic.
Re:Is linux a message based kernel?? Help on implementation
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 5:57 pm
by Warmaster199
I have tried/learn't 4 different languages for the computer Turing, C/C++, Assembler, and Visual Basic. I would have to rank them in greatness as follows:
C/C++, Assembler, VB, Turing. Turing looks alot like Pascal... I wouldn't be surprised if they actually took source code from a Pascal compiler and changed a few little things... Visual Basic, I learn't on my own... I used to think it was the greatest thing since sliced bread - easy to learn and use, quick developement...
...And then I learn't C. C completely annihilates VB and Turing. C is the ultimate language to me. It's somewhat easy to learn... It is structured programming (proceedures and structures, own datatypes), and is very powerful... And recently(about 1 year - 1.5years ago) I learn't Assembler. Assembler is cool, but it takes forever to create source code compared to C. Assembler creates MICRO sized code...