OK, first of all, what architecture (x86, ARM or PowerPC) are you aiming at? If you want to understand about x86, read more of the Intel software developer manuals (if you have already). What assembler are you using? FASM is good if you want to make an OS fully in Assembly (MenuetOS and KolibriOS have used these).
The GDT can be explained at
Global_Descriptor_Table. However, there are lots of resources. You will need the GDT (or Global Descriptor Table) to enter
Protected_Mode. There is also
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Descriptor_Table which looks good.
If you know Assembly, you'll be able to understand this.
If you want to know about 0xb800, check out
Printing_To_Screen. I know it is written in C but this is what it does.
= Makes a variable containing 0xb800
= Does a while loop waiting for the character of the string to be 0x00 (null terminator).
= In the while loop, it copies the character to the variable and the color (the bytes).
I might add some Assembly code to the Wiki as a matter of fact. Here's some code (make sure you understand some of it).
Code: Select all
org 0x7c00
jmp Main ; jump to main
mov dx, 0xb800 ; moves 0xb800 to the data register
mov es, dx ; moves the data register to the extra segment (a little address space)
mov si, msg
mov cx, 0
lodsb ; get byte from string (character) [SI -> AL]
cmp al, 0 ; is character 0x00? (null terminator)
je Done ; if yes, jump to Done!
mov di, cx
mov [es:di], al ; move character to destination index
inc cx
; these three lines will make all your characters have color (remove this if you want).
mov di, cx
mov [es:di], 0x07 ; you may be familiar with BIOS color attributes - change 0x07 to whatever you want
inc cx ; increment of count register
jmp Print
mov di, cx
msg db 'Hello World!', 0
The BIOS Parameter Table is only required if you are using a device that is emulating a floppy (like a USB).
Here's a link for help on it which is
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wi ... ystem.aspx.
This explains things.
You should implement it like this:
Code: Select all
jmp Start
bpbThis db 0
bpbThis dw 1a49 ; warning - these numbers are examples.
bpbThat db 50
By the way, nobody is trolling you. People are just confused at what information you are giving.