Clowns on OSDev

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Re: Clowns on OSDev

Post by ggodw000 »

teeuwen wrote:I'm not a long time member of this forum but the topic I'll be talking about has very rapidly become apparent and I simply felt like bringing it up (because why not?).

I'm talking about a (probably big) groups of members of this forum who are going around talking about their "operating system" like it's their brainchild. When in reality it is just 300 lines of code consisting of 200 lines of content copied from the wiki and 100 lines of fancy version number ascii art, loading screens, welcome messages and blue screens of death. Don't these people realize how cringy the content is they're posting?
The worst thing is that some of they are actually under the impression that they're the next Einstein! Or, Bill Gates I should say, because it doesn't end there: fancy company names, incorporated this and corporate that, might as well throw a trademark on there (this is probably also a bunch of poor kids who don't know what they're talking about or doing in the first place).
No actually, you know what the worst thing is? That - if this post gets any replies - the exact people I'm talking about will be reacting to this post all like "yeah exactly i knw what ur tlking about", even after writing this. Why would a serious subject such as operating system development attract these kind of people?

Maybe coming up with a better (or multiple, randomly chosen) registration question(s) is a solution to get rid of these people? But perhaps it's a good thing to have a couple of clowns around in case you get too frustrated by your own, serious, os project. They usually do make for a good laugh after all. I'm interested to hear your opinion on this.
I hate registration that tricks users. Registration should be as simple as one click. Nowadays, I mostly don't bother registering if it does not let you login right away with social media profile. If social media account login account is not possible, I usually try registering only one attempt and if it does not work, I swear and move on.
key takeaway after spending yrs on sw industry: big issue small because everyone jumps on it and fixes it. small issue is big since everyone ignores and it causes catastrophy later. #devilisinthedetails
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