Re: Returning to OS development after 10 years.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:45 am
The Place to Start for Operating System Developers
So do you mean all underage people or all people under the age of 13, because in my country you are underage if you are younger then 18, not 13.Schol-R-LEA wrote:Seriously. You, NunoLava1998, and any other underage members really need to leave, or there won't be a forum to post to. While we will miss you (well, some of you), we simply can't allow you to be here until after your 13th birthday.
Please, how could they even know in which city do you live, your phone number or maybe even your last name. No one could be sued for such thing, COPPA is used to help parents protect their kiddows on the internet.Furthermore, by clicking on the "I am over 13" checkbox when you created the account, you violated a legally binding contract - at the time you were making it - meaning that the admins could, if they wanted to be total jerks, sue you and your parents for breach of contract. I can't imagine they would (and odds are the court would dismiss the case out of hand), but it is possible.
Underage in the sense that this law (COPPA) defines, that is. I don't know how the legal age for this particular law came to be set at that, or why, nor am I defending either that age limit or the law in general, but the point is, the law sets the age for being able to consent to give others PII without supervision at 13, and applies to the site regardless of whether the person in question is in US jurisdiction or not, so long as the site is hosted in the US.kenod wrote:So do you mean all underage people or all people under the age of 13, because in my country you are underage if you are younger then 18, not 13.Schol-R-LEA wrote:Seriously. You, NunoLava1998, and any other underage members really need to leave, or there won't be a forum to post to. While we will miss you (well, some of you), we simply can't allow you to be here until after your 13th birthday.
Its amazing how much of a nanny state the US government has become. I think the US needs to "drain the swamp" as Trump puts it.Schol-R-LEA wrote:Underage in the sense that this law (COPPA) defines, that is. I don't know how the legal age for this particular law came to be set at that, or why, nor am I defending either that age limit or the law in general, but the point is, the law sets the age for being able to consent to give others PII without supervision at 13, and applies to the site regardless of whether the person in question is in US jurisdiction or not, so long as the site is hosted in the US.kenod wrote:So do you mean all underage people or all people under the age of 13, because in my country you are underage if you are younger then 18, not 13.Schol-R-LEA wrote:Seriously. You, NunoLava1998, and any other underage members really need to leave, or there won't be a forum to post to. While we will miss you (well, some of you), we simply can't allow you to be here until after your 13th birthday.
As for whether a lawsuit could be brought against someone, or that such a lawsuit would make sense on any level, I agree that it would be a fool's errand, but I was trying to make a point about the potential legal implications of breaking this kind of agreement. I don't see any way it could or would happen, but it is in principle a possibility, however absurd it might be in the real world.
A lot of things in the law are equally absurd, but until someone has sufficient reason to push for it to be changed, it is still going to be the law, and more importantly, in this instance it could potentially put the site and the mods in legal jeopardy.
I'm not sure what the rule would be if the site were hosted outside of the US, though, but frankly, I expect that the tangle would just get worse in that case.
That's not a reason to pirate it, which is both illegal and immoral. If you don't want to pay, that's fine - just don't use it then. It's as simple as that.Lukand wrote:But anyways, who could pay 200$ for OS and 100$/year for Office!?.
Who uses Windows XP these days?Lukand wrote:In Serbia, there is no law for pirated software in private use, but even Serbian government violates its own law by using pirated Windows XP in commercial use. But anyways, who could pay 200$ for OS and 100$/year for Office!?.
Check this out : ... e-pirated/
Yes, that's right, 70% are pirated, including government.
We're getting further and further offtopic.ziggyfish2 wrote:Who uses Windows XP these days?Lukand wrote:In Serbia, there is no law for pirated software in private use, but even Serbian government violates its own law by using pirated Windows XP in commercial use. But anyways, who could pay 200$ for OS and 100$/year for Office!?.
Check this out : ... e-pirated/
Yes, that's right, 70% are pirated, including government.
I don't think that their software is that good to begin with. When using their study loan website (duo) it crashes after loading a few pages (making it almost impossible to change settings).FusT wrote: We're getting further and further offtopic.
Anyhow, the Dutch government actually payed Micro$oft 1.7 million euros to keep their remaining 5000 windows XP systems secure for another 6 months about a year-and-a-half ago. That's a whopping 340 euros per machine!
Don't know what the current state of things is but it seems they can't simply upgrade the systems still running it.
Couldn't agree more. The Dutch government is very good at completely screwing up major IT projects.kenod wrote:I don't think that their software is that good to begin with. When using their study loan website (duo) it crashes after loading a few pages (making it almost impossible to change settings).FusT wrote: We're getting further and further offtopic.
Anyhow, the Dutch government actually payed Micro$oft 1.7 million euros to keep their remaining 5000 windows XP systems secure for another 6 months about a year-and-a-half ago. That's a whopping 340 euros per machine!
Don't know what the current state of things is but it seems they can't simply upgrade the systems still running it.