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Re: IDE for OS development

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:17 am
by max
Use Eclipse, it's beste Leben

Re: IDE for OS development

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:21 pm
by carbonBased
I agree that it doesn't really matter.

And it also doesn't surprise me that this is the 100th post of this topic :) I think many believe there's a different solution that works better for them, but I find they're all generally pretty similar. Pick one that supports the features you prefer, that's all.

Is there something about your current setup that you dislike? If so, maybe outline that. Otherwise, just pick something, and see if it suites your needs, I would say.

When you say "some aren't as good for osdev"; what exactly are you referring to?

fwiw, I use Emacs; a text editor originally written in the mid-70's. I've used all the other suggestions in this thread, as well, and they're all good in their own ways (we'd need to know what your requirements are to say anything further).


Re: IDE for OS development

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:19 am
by irvanherz
catnikita255 wrote:I need an IDE for OS development. Any variants?