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Re: How to print pseudographic symbols?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:27 am
by kzinti
Roman wrote:Thanks! I didn't know about the extended set. I always thought ASCII only takes 7 bits.
ASCII is 7 bits. "Extended ASCII" isn't ASCII but is just a misnomer for the full 8 bits character set available on PC.

Re: How to print pseudographic symbols?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:03 pm
by Candy
If you really want to you can disable the blink ability and use it to switch to a 9-bit "ASCII" mode, where 82% of your characters aren't ASCII. ASCII printable is 32 to 126 inclusive - anything outside that range doesn't technically have a graphical representation in ASCII, but you can of course make a font that displays something for it.

Which is the root of this entire thread; you've got some rendering tool that you don't understand and you're sending it arbitrary font character IDs in the hope to find something that you like.

I suggest finding out what the rendering tool actually uses as a font and then to use that knowledge.

Re: How to print pseudographic symbols?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:05 am
by osdever
I've been so stupid... I'm tried to display characters not in signed char range. Now I'm know it.

Re: How to print pseudographic symbols?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:27 am
by Ready4Dis
I'm not exactly sure where you got those codes from.
I've always used these extended ascii codes for my window/borders.

179 = │
196 = ─
192 = └
217 = ┘
191 = ┐
218 = ┌

197 = ┼

193 = ┴
194 = ┬

195 = ├

180 = ┤

Re: How to print pseudographic symbols?

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:54 am
by osdever
Oh god, I wanna punch myself in the face now.