I have managed to solve the problems and it turned out at the end that I was overwriting the TSS stack.
The solution was that for each process I create two stacks; kernel stack and user stack.
I have a problem that I have worked around but I need to understand its symptom as I cannot comprehend it.
This piece of code :
Code: Select all
asm volatile(" \
cli; \
mov %0, %%rcx; \
mov %1, %%rsp; \
mov %2, %%rbp; \
mov %3, %%cr3; \
mov $0x12345, %%rax; \
sti; \
jmp *%%rcx " : : "r"(rip), "r"(rsp), "r"(rbp), "r"(page_directory_address));
And here is the objdump for that piece of code:
Code: Select all
287a8: fa cli
287a9: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
287ac: 4c 89 f4 mov %r14,%rsp
287af: 4c 89 fd mov %r15,%rbp
287b2: 0f 22 d9 mov %rcx,%cr3
287b5: 48 c7 c0 45 23 01 00 mov $0x12345,%rax
287bc: fb sti
287bd: ff e1 jmpq *%rcx
Notice that the second instruction load the C variable rip into the asm register rcx and this is used to store the address of the instruction I jump to at the end of the inline asm. The problem is that the compiler generates a code that overwrites the rcx with the value of the C variable page_directory_address to store it in cr3. My question is why does the compiler use rcx, I mean it should detect the dependability and use some other register.
I got around this by one of two options:
First option is to move the cr3 instruction to be the first one.
Code: Select all
asm volatile(" \
cli; \
mov %3, %%cr3; \
mov %0, %%rcx; \
mov %1, %%rsp; \
mov %2, %%rbp; \
mov $0x12345, %%rax; \
sti; \
jmp *%%rcx " : : "r"(rip), "r"(rsp), "r"(rbp), "r"(page_directory_address));
or use the rcx constraint "c"
Code: Select all
asm volatile(" \
cli; \
mov %0, %%rcx; \
mov %1, %%rsp; \
mov %2, %%rbp; \
mov %3, %%cr3; \
mov $0x12345, %%rax; \
sti; \
jmp *%%rcx " : : "c"(rip), "r"(rsp), "r"(rbp), "r"(page_directory_address));
I am really not confident that this completely solve the problem and that this is the right way to tackle it.
Is this normal? do I have to go and look at the objdump code to make sure that there are no dependability problems?!
Is there any compiler options that I can use to avoid that?
Please let me know if anyone can explain or if there is a better way to do that