Re: far jmp after enabling A20 triple faults
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:35 am
I guess my British reply was a little too subtle for your American sensibilities.
The Place to Start for Operating System Developers
In the olden (16 bit) days, far jumps were to absolute addresses. The ip was relative to the new segment, but the segment address in cs was absolute.DavidCooper wrote:Not being an assembler user, I was confusing the way jumps work in machine code (where they jump a relative distance) with the way they work in assembler (where they jump to absolute locations) - the assembler has to translate the latter into the former.]
Okay - I shouldn't have used the word "absolute", so I'd better clarify things just in case it matters to someone. I haven't read up on 64 bit mode fully yet as I don't have a machine capable of running in that mode (and avoid working in emulators), but in 32 bit mode with far jumps and calls they're made to immediate addresses (within the selected segment), while with near jumps and calls (and with short jumps) they use immediate relative distances instead of addresses, and those have to be converted by the processor into addresses (unless of course you're dealing with near jumps and calls to addresses held in registers where there is no immediate involved). I would have thought that this creates more work for the processor to do as it needs to take the immediate jump distance and add it to the current (E)IP rather than just putting an immediate address straight into (E)IP. Z80 processors use addresses for near jumps and calls (far ones don't exist there), though they do use relative distances for short jumps. I was surprised when I switched from using Z80 machines to PCs to find that the PC didn't do the same for near calls and jumps as it seemed to be taking a step backwards, requiring a tiny bit of extra work every time a near jump or call to an immediate is run, even if the difference is trivial (which it doubtless will be once you've added in the cost of converting the segment value and adding that in, plus the extra work of calculating the absolute address when paging is enabled), but then a lot of trivial things when added together can add up to something significant. Near rets are more sensible, using an address off the stack instead of a jump distance. One possible explanation for things working this way is that you can prefix a near jump instruction to make it use a jump distance of two bytes instead of four (in 32 bit mode) or four instead of two (in 16 bit mode), though I don't know if that was planned when the PC processor was originally designed.Casm wrote:In the olden (16 bit) days, far jumps were to absolute addresses. The ip was relative to the new segment, but the segment address in cs was absolute.
Nowadays, of course, there is only one segment; whether by design (32 bit), or because AMD says so (64 bit)..
The assembler doesn't talk about absolute or relative addresses; it only talks about where you want to end up (at the instruction after a label) - unless you very explicitly specify an absolute address. The reason almost all processors use relative addresses for jumps is to make it easier to relocate code.DavidCooper wrote:Anyway, in assembler you don't normally see any of the relative distances in your code as you use either labels or addresses, so the assembler converts them into relative distances for you and then the processor converts them back into addresses again when it meets them. It's an unnecessary complication
Code: Select all
;stage 1 boot
org 0x7C00
jmp Start16
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,0x9000
mov ss,ax
mov sp,0xFFFF
mov [drive],dl ;BIOS passes drive number in DL
call LoadStage2
cmp [errorflag],0
jg hang16
jmp loadpoint16 ;jump to loaded program
xor ah,ah
int 0x16 ; wait for a key
int 0x19 ; reboot the machine
mov [counter1],1
mov ax,ds ;segment
mov es,ax
mov bx,loadpoint16 ;offset
mov ah,02h ;read sectors into memory
mov al,4d ;load 4 sectors
mov ch,00h ;the track to read from
mov cl,02h ;sector id
mov dh,00h ;head
mov dl,[drive] ;drive
int 13h
jc .tryagain
jmp .fin
inc [counter1]
cmp [counter1],3
jg .failed
jmp .tryread
mov [errorflag],1
drive db 0
errorflag db 0
counter1 db 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
;end of stage 1 boot
;stage 2 boot
call LoadGDT
call EnablePMode
jmp 08h:loadpoint32 ;32Bit data segment
jmp hang16
dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 ;limit (size of GDT)
dd gdt ;base of GDT
dq 0 ;dummy entry (8 zero filled bytes)
;gdt code: ;code descriptor
dw 0xFFFF ;limit low
dw 0 ;base low
db 0 ;base middle
db 10011010b ;access
db 11001111b ;granularity
db 0 ;base high
;gdt data: ;data descriptor
dw 0xFFFF ;limit low
dw 0 ;base low
db 0 ;base middle
db 10010010b ;access
db 11001111b ;granularity
db 0 ;base high
lgdt [gdtr]
mov eax,cr0 ;set bit 0 in CR0-go to pmode
or eax,1
mov cr0,eax
;end of stage 2 boot
;stage 3 boot
mov al,0xDD ;command 0xDD enable A20
out 0x74,al ;send command to keyboard controller
mov ax,0x10 ;32Bit code segment
mov ds,ax
mov ss,ax
mov es,ax
mov esp,90000h
call EnableA20
;Move 32Bit code to 0x0000:0x0000
mov esi,Start32
xor eax,eax ;eax = 0x00000000
mov edi,eax
mov cx,((End32-Start32)/4)+1 ;byte length of 32bit code
mov eax,[esi]
mov [edi],eax
add esi,4
add edi,4
dec cx
cmp cx,0
jg move_dword
jmp 0x00000000
call ClearScreen32
mov ebx,HelloWorld32
call PrintText32
mov [xpos],0
mov [ypos],4
mov bh, byte [ypos]
mov bl, byte [xpos]
call SetCursorPos32
mov edi,0xB8000
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,160
mov al, byte [ypos]
mul ecx
push eax
mov al, byte [xpos]
mov cl,2
mul cl
pop ecx
add eax,ecx
xor ecx,ecx
add edi,eax
cmp bl,0x0A
je .row
mov dl,bl
mov dh,[char_attrib]
mov word [edi],dx
inc byte [xpos]
cmp [xpos], 80
je .row
jmp .done
mov byte [xpos], 0
inc byte [ypos]
push ebx
pop edi
mov bl, byte[edi]
cmp bl, 0
je .done
call Putch32
inc edi
jmp .loop
mov bh, byte [ypos]
mov bl, byte [xpos]
call SetCursorPos32
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,80
mov al,bh
mul ecx
add al,bl
mov ebx,eax
mov al,0x0F
mov dx,0x03D4
out dx,al
mov al,bl
mov dx,0x03D5
out dx,al
xor eax,eax
mov al,0x0E
mov dx,0x03D4
out dx,al
mov al,bh
mov dx,0x03D5
out dx,al
mov edi,0xB8000
mov cx,2000
mov ah,[char_attrib]
mov al,' '
rep stosw
char_attrib db 00000101b
xpos db 4
ypos db 2
HelloWorld32 db "Hello 32Bit World",0
;end of stage 3 boot
what location would you suggest moving the code to? I'll research what you tell me to! Thanks for your help.m12 wrote:I'd be careful running below 0x500, because there is information there that you'll need.
That holds the real mode ivt, bda, and a pointer to the ebda.TwixEmma wrote:what location would you suggest moving the code to? I'll research what you tell me to! Thanks for your help.m12 wrote:I'd be careful running below 0x500, because there is information there that you'll need.
EDIT: I researched why below 0x500 is unsafe, I've moved the code and changed the jump to 0x00000500 in ram instead. I'd still appreciate any research or help you can point me to. Thanks in advance.
Thanks, but I got that much.m12 wrote:That holds the real mode ivt, bda, and a pointer to the ebda.TwixEmma wrote:what location would you suggest moving the code to? I'll research what you tell me to! Thanks for your help.m12 wrote:I'd be careful running below 0x500, because there is information there that you'll need.
EDIT: I researched why below 0x500 is unsafe, I've moved the code and changed the jump to 0x00000500 in ram instead. I'd still appreciate any research or help you can point me to. Thanks in advance.
I think applause is most apt - you learn fast.TwixEmma wrote:Do I hear a round of applause or a loud humming boo O.O?
You should probably work with whatever programming language you feel most comfortable with unless there's a good reason to use something else, such as making your OS easier to port to machines using other types of processor. Speed only usually matters in innermost loops which repeat the same action many times, and even there you'll probably get faster running code by using a compiler unless you hack around with your machine code for a long time and test it carefully. ASM does give you much more compact code though, but this is less important than in the past because most memory holds data rather than code and there's plenty of it available now, while load times are getting ever faster too. Even if you don't program in C, it's still worth learning enough to be able to follow any example code that uses it - you shouldn't really need ASM versions of anything as you ought to be able to translate them yourself, and in any case all you really want is an understanding of how the thing works so that you can then implement it your own way, so you don't even want to translate the examples.TwixEmma wrote:Another thing that would help is if anyone has any links or references to assembly os specific information, since most stuff talks about using C, and I am making this OS purely ASM, because of two reasons, first I don't fully grasp C but I fully grasp ASM, second pure ASM you have more control and it can result in faster code instruction wise.