Re: Bootloader INT 0x13 Never Returns
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:30 pm
As already noted by jnc100 don't do that. dl will have the correct drive already on boot up. Just don't overwrite it.Geometrian wrote:Code: Select all
mov dl, 0x80
Also it is likely not the cause but you are actually not checking for LBA read/write capabilities but for general BIOS EDD extensions which could also be just drive eject and locking or fixed disk capabilities. ... d-BIOS.pdf says:
Code: Select all
4.2 Int 13h extensions
4.2.1 Check extensions present
AH - 41h
BX - 55AAh
DL - Drive number
carry clear
AH - Version of extensions
AL - Internal use only
BX - AA55h
CX - Interface support bit map (seeTable 9 )
carry set
AH - error code (01h, Invalid Command)
Table 9 − Extension result buffer
Bit Description
0 1 - Fixed disk access subset
1 1 - Drive locking and ejecting subset
2 1 - Enhanced disk drive support subset
3-15 - Reserved, must be 0
This function is used to check for the presence of Int 13h extensions. If the carry flag is returned set, the
extensions are not supported for the requested drive. If the carry flag is returned cleared, BX shall be checked for the value AA55h to confirm that the extensions are present. If BX is AA55h, the value of CX is checked to
determine what subsets of this interface are supported for the requested drive. At least one subset must be
supported. The version of the extensions is 21h. This indicates that the Int 13h extensions are compliant with this
technical report.