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Solar wrote:What is more important, having it obfuscated or easy to debug? I know what my answer to that would be.
I also know what Microsoft's answer to that is... sadly.
I don't think that really lowers your ability to debug your programs.
I think it just requires you to put a little more work into your debuggers, but can possibly cause a need for debuggers to have debuggers of debuggers.
Solar wrote:What is more important, having it obfuscated or easy to debug? I know what my answer to that would be.
I also know what Microsoft's answer to that is... sadly.
I don't think that really lowers your ability to debug your programs.
I think it just requires you to put a little more work into your debuggers, but can possibly cause a need for debuggers to have debuggers of debuggers.
You don't think obfuscation lowers your ability to debug?
Then why are you obfuscating in the first place? Debugging and reverse engineering are almost functionally equivalent.