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Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:26 pm
by VolTeK
You can be horrible at spelling, but a genius at math.

Logic corrected

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:09 pm
by kevinftw
Ok, can i have like direct links, because most of them are in packages and i have no idea wtf i need to DL, and also Cygwin is being dumb i think.

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:29 pm
by neon
Just download what it is that you think you need. You dont "need" any of the tools mentioned in this thread so it really all comes down to what you want.

Because you were going to use Cygwin, you are probably looking for the GCC package for Cygwin. Run Cygwins' setup.exe and select the GCC package to install.

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:56 am
by Tosi
If you are not ready for OS dev yet, why are you asking on a forum for OS developers?
I would recommend asking for help on a general programming forum, or better yet, searching google and seeing if the answers to your questions already exist. More often than not they do.

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:05 am
by Solar
General advice for Cygwin newbies:

Don't select any additional packages in the first round, merely let Cygwin install its default set.

Then run the setup again whenever you find something is missing.

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:24 am
by kevinftw

yea ill try again, errything is fked lol
i think when it finally installed (it took forever) it was just like a DOS window and i was confused

what exactly does cygwin itself look like or does it not have a form its just the packages?

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:32 am
by kevinftw
oh and also, i looked through some of the intro pages, and I am a newbie at programming. I'm learning C++ now.
so basically i know that i need a kernel, GUI, compiler/assembler/linker, and a few other things.
What language would be appropriate for the GUI?
I was thinking I would learn ASM, C++, and JAVA.
so i obviously need a compiler, assembler, and some JAVA tool.
For my C++, i use Dev C++ (Bloodshed)
so for the OS could i just download like Dev C++. Mingw, NASM/GRUB, and some JAVA tool (I found something called JCreator) ?


Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:20 am
by neon
so for the OS could i just download like Dev C++. Mingw, NASM/GRUB, and some JAVA tool (I found something called JCreator)
Why not? Use whatever that best works for your design goals. A warning on Java: There are no tutorials on using Java so you will be on your own. Its possible, but do not expect help. I dont recommend Dev-C++ as it is terribly outdated. Use MSVC or GCC instead.

The GUI is typically in C however can consist of multiple layers of software depending on design and complexity.

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:06 pm
by Jvac
I was thinking I would learn ASM, C++, and JAVA
Goodman I like your taste for Java see here and here then join a Java group like ASF.
Prepare your environment Eclipse and Netbeans

For ASM see here and for ASM Tools please read the wiki go to the bottom of the page.

Good luck I am a newbie also.

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:08 pm
by Combuster
neon wrote:I dont recommend Dev-C++ [...] Use GCC instead.
Dev-C++ uses GCC by default :roll: - it's just an IDE, with some features VS is missing and it lacks some of VS's more annoying non-features. Similarly you can use MSVC without using the VS IDE (though you can't sanely install one without the other)

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:05 pm
by Darwin
kevinftw wrote: i think when it finally installed (it took forever) it was just like a DOS window and i was confused
kevinftw wrote:oh and also, i looked through some of the intro pages, and I am a newbie at programming. I'm learning C++ now.
You need more experience before you even attempt low-level programming.

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:14 pm
by xfelix
I've been coding for 6 years now, and have finely learned enough, to begin learning how to roll my own OS.
Writing an OS is more about learning how to work with hardware, and implementing various policies/theory. Not learning how to Program.
If you want to learn how to program, go get a book or something.
Let me just give you some tips...
+Choose 1 or 2 languages for now and learn them well (Say Java and/or C)
- From the Unix Philosophy "Do one Thing, and do it well"
+ Learn how to work in a unix type environment such as linux
+ Learn about radix representation of numbers
- 0x0A = 1010 = 10
+ Learn about the bare basics required in a system
- DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- I/O Bus
- Hard Disk
+ Learn About ADT (Abstract Data Types)
- Data Structures
- Semaphores/ Monitors

Even with all this mastered knowledge, you still need to learn assembly, and be patient enough to sit down and read
Intel's IA-32 manual. Learning is the fun part. :D

Re: Hi (and some help?)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:09 am
by Solar
kevinftw wrote:i think when it finally installed (it took forever) it was just like a DOS window and i was confused

what exactly does cygwin itself look like or does it not have a form its just the packages?
Cygwin is "a different DOS box", or rather "a DOS box on steroids".

What you get is basically a GNU/Unix command line environment for Windows.

Since the GNU/Unix command line environment is much superior to the Windows one, and because it allows people not using Windows to actually recreate your problems and help you with them, this is the recommended way to go.

(You aren't even limited to the command line. You could go and set up a X11 environment, which would allow you to use a xterm terminal as well as several GUI tools from the Unix world, but that's a bit more involved and thus not covered in the Wiki tutorials.)

Forget about using Java in kernel space, its not appropriate for that kind of work. If you ever get to the point where your OS-to-be supports Java in user space, you'd be the king of the hill here...