Alright, well, I'll definitly offer my services... I work full-time, and have my own OS in development, so I'll prob'ly be a weekend contributor

but I think I've got some decent skills to offer.
My specialty, before I got into the OSDev "market" was high-speed 2D graphics. I've also delved into the 3D world (although, entirely software based. The only hardware based 3D I've done has been through OpenGL). In any event, I'm sure this can come in handy later on in the project.
I'd like to think I have decent skills at designed software architecture, which I think is probably the most important part of operating system development. Hopefully we can flush out a unique, and _simple_ architecture for this OS which affords a good deal of extensibility as well.
How many here know UML? I think we'd be smart to model all our classes and relations in UML before actually coding. I know a lot of the younger generation would much rather delve into the code, but it's much more adventageous (sp?) to model it extensivly first. I've got a few UML tools on my system that I can use to build some decent models once we decide upon systems, etc.
Anyway... my "resume," so-to-speak:
asm (6+ yrs), c (10+ yrs), c++ (10+ yrs),
eiffel (2 yrs), java/jsp (5+ yrs), php (1 yr),
objective c (< 1 yr), xml/xsl (1 yr),
VB.Net + C#.NET (2 yrs),
Kylix/Delphi (1 yr), COBOL (2 yr - yuck!),
Also currently developing my own OO langauges (InCode)
DBase (dunno how relevant this is...):
mySql, MSSQL Server, Oracle
Linux (9+ yrs), Win32/DOS (17+ yrs), QNX (2 yrs), BeOS (2 yrs)
Current developing my own OS (NDK)
OSDev (have done, and am fairly comfortable with):
console I/O
keyboard I/O
gdt, ldt, idt
list based memory management (multiples of 4kb allocations)
virtual paging
tss based multitasking through timer interrupt
remapping pic, exceptions, etc
run-time linking rdoff2 modules into kernel
OSDev (things I haven't done but should be okay with, or am currently working on):
minimal libc
floppy I/O
dynamically expanding stack (ala KOS algorithm)
graphics/gui (VGA 0x13 and Vesa... possibly VGA 0x12)
IPC (haven't done, but have many ideas...)
Filesystems (have implemented my own, look forward to trying to implement an existing one)
Gravis Ultrasound Driver (have some working code, just need more API calls)
email address: jweeks at neuraldk dot org
website: (soon to be updated with dynamic php, and more code)