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Re: Basic OS gives errors

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:26 pm
by Combuster
and by standard (standard being what the general consensus [can't spell :lol: ] does), that will be your destructors list
Some people just deserve to be shot. :(

Re: Basic OS gives errors

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:23 pm
by xDDunce
Combuster wrote:
and by standard (standard being what the general consensus [can't spell :lol: ] does), that will be your destructors list
Some people just deserve to be shot. :(
and what is that supposed to mean? haha :lol:

Re: Basic OS gives errors

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:38 am
by Helu
Hi,since I have compiled Bar Bones succesfully :D
I'd like to give you my suggestion.

Code: Select all

cd nasm-2.06rc1
./nasm -f elf -o ../loader.o ../loader.s

It seems nasm-2.06rc1 is one of your folder,I even guees it is one folder of your winXP(am i right?).Actually ,nasm has been containned **WHITIN** cygwin ,use it just typing

Code: Select all

nasm -f elf -o ...  .... 

Code: Select all

I am using Cygwin on Windows XP.
En,actually there has been some limite in Cygwin(though it is very good to OS DEV).We kown Cygwin cann't mount a.img file,I mean we cann't mount a loopback device by typing

Code: Select all

losetup /dev/loop0 (path)/***.img
mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/myfloppy
use a REAL *NUXs instead . :|

Re: Basic OS gives errors

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:57 pm
by Troy Martin
xDDunce wrote:
Combuster wrote:
and by standard (standard being what the general consensus [can't spell :lol: ] does), that will be your destructors list
Some people just deserve to be shot. :(
and what is that supposed to mean? haha :lol:
And by that it means that some people deserve to be shot.
*debates whether ESR's smart questions page will help here*

Re: Basic OS gives errors

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:48 pm
by xDDunce
Troy Martin wrote:
xDDunce wrote:
and what is that supposed to mean? haha :lol:
And by that it means that some people deserve to be shot.
*debates whether ESR's smart questions page will help here*
oh... err.... i kinda intended some sarcasm there. as well as some kind of "are you being sarcastic too?" but i guess it wasn't quite clear... but lets get back on topic.

@OP: has any of our suggestions worked?
