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Re: How to load the kernel after entering pmode

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:56 am
by ru2aqare
djsilence wrote:HI!

So, If I know right, int13 can load not more than 64Kb file? If it is so, then how can I load more than 64Kb and not to 1Mb? For example i'd like to load at 0xC0000000? (3GB)

My bootloader uses v86 mode to read from the floppy. When the v86 monitor finishes executing the int13h call, the caller copies it to its destination (over the 1Mb mark).

Re: How to load the kernel after entering pmode

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:16 pm
by Combuster
And there tends to be no memory at 0xC0000000, that's a paging trick