Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:56 am
Still no dice with GDT code. It continues to die at mov ds, ax instruction in gdt_flush. I've tried various combinations of positioning the far jump and saw some interesting results (each crashing the kernel too). SInce JamesM was able to get my image working and I cannot, I must assume that my machine is the culprit. A quick check to see if SELinux was running proved fruitless, it's is indeed turned off. I'm going to begin the painful task of stepping the kernel code through bochs debugger...
I took a copy of Bran's exact code and tried using it. The only changes made were to strip the DOS-styled EOL for UNIX friendly style and clearing out all the underscore characters due to my Linux environment, and editing the build script for UNIX syntax versus DOS. The kernel first bombed with a GRUB 13 error, which corresponded directly with the need to change the in link.ld to . After fixing this, the kernel proceeded past the 13 error point, and still failed exactly like my version.
The plodding process continues. I'll get this licked soon enough... I hope!
Still no dice with GDT code. It continues to die at mov ds, ax instruction in gdt_flush. I've tried various combinations of positioning the far jump and saw some interesting results (each crashing the kernel too). SInce JamesM was able to get my image working and I cannot, I must assume that my machine is the culprit. A quick check to see if SELinux was running proved fruitless, it's is indeed turned off. I'm going to begin the painful task of stepping the kernel code through bochs debugger...
I took a copy of Bran's exact code and tried using it. The only changes made were to strip the DOS-styled EOL for UNIX friendly style and clearing out all the underscore characters due to my Linux environment, and editing the build script for UNIX syntax versus DOS. The kernel first bombed with a GRUB 13 error, which corresponded directly with the need to change the
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Code: Select all
The plodding process continues. I'll get this licked soon enough... I hope!