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Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:36 pm
by Combuster
Sub-domain is at
Obviously, my server is at home and runs linux.
It's GPL licenced..
Obviously i'm not going to let M$ steal my ideas.
The source code is tar/gzipped..
Automatic maneuver. I dont use ZIP since Hotmail chokes on that. I've been gzipping everything since they got their new scanner.
I was definitely not expecting Visual Basic source
See, it has nothing to do with the rest :lol:

Really, name one evil thing basic did to you.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:18 pm
by chase
Dex wrote:
Brynet-Inc wrote: It was also developed for the original AT&T UNIX systems it should be treated with a bit more respect!.
I will treat C programmers as they treat basic programmers and as they treat me.
Now BASIC for example is a sad sorry excuse for a language 8)
I demand all the people i have helped to say they respect! me.
If my demand are not met, i will go to the dark side and be come a hacker :twisted:
They treat ASM programmers like GODS.

I am off now to work on my new site, no C programmers are allowed
Play nice, everyone has to start somewhere. Lots of people use and like C and considering C was designed to write operating systems no one should ever be considered as less of an OS developer because they use C. I think it's kind of nice that C is finally starting to die off as an application programming language and get back to it's roots. The biggest problem I ever see is when people want to make a 16-bit OS, there isn't great compiler support for it. Eventually most OS developers will learn ASM if you give them time.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:55 pm
by smiddy
chase wrote:Play nice, everyone has to start somewhere. Lots of people use and like C and considering C was designed to write operating systems no one should ever be considered as less of an OS developer because they use C. I think it's kind of nice that C is finally starting to die off as an application programming language and get back to it's roots. The biggest problem I ever see is when people want to make a 16-bit OS, there isn't great compiler support for it. Eventually most OS developers will learn ASM if you give them time.
I personally don't understand the debate...without the machines, you wouldn't have machine code, without machine code, you wouldn't have assembly code, without assembly code, you wouldn't have C or BASIC or Pascal or ADA or C++ or C# (whatever that is, souped up combination of Basic and C++ <Scratching my head>) or etcetera.

There are different levels some have there good points and their bad, but as an OS community, each has its place. The overarching goal is understanding OS design and implementation, not entirely neglecting the nuts and bolts, but without the highlevel view, you can not delve into or decompose into lower levels of understanding.

Now, everyone in this thread needs to hug...<Eaoooww!> :P


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:18 pm
by fachamix
well, i just want to say thanks everyone for helping me.

Dex, ....... thanks a lot for your help , i didnt want to make you angry ok ?

Well, i will start the OS construction, a Real Mode 16 Bits Operating System.

Respect the languages, someone said ( read it in spanish, so i wil trasnlate it).

"There arent programming languages better than other, there are languages oriented for different purpuses than others".

thanks a lot people.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:14 pm
by smiddy
I recommend you talk to Bogdan of Solar OS. He uses Turbo Assembler, but I expect he can help you with figuring out how to create your code into a bottable format from the C compiler. IIRCR, he uses John Fines linker where you can place the objects (OBJs) into specific memory area masks, thus you wouldn't have to worry about the offset or ORG until you link it all together. His site is:

BTW, don't sweat the debate, sometimes things get heated in here, and then we all realize it isn't really personal attacks, its the understanding of our hobby that is most important. Life is too short to get bent out of shape, especially when there is coding to be done.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:57 am
by gaf
fachamix wrote:I am from Argentina, and my teachers only know the THEORY of operatign systems, but no one of them had ever try to program one, so you guys are the only people i can ask.
Given that you're serious about your project I would advice to go directly for 32bit protected-mode. It's not only the by far more powerful architecture but also the standard in computing since the late 1980s. Such a switch would also solve your current problems of finding some C compiler and a boot-loader as protected-mode is in general much better supported.


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:54 am
by chase
Moved the discussion about Dex's web page to because it was getting a little off topic.