With all the rants (including the mine one) about classic cryptosystems, we have forgot some very important "details".
I firmly believe that 99.99% of all information ever encrypted
today and that someone (NSA, whoever...) stored will be decrypted very soon. Key word: QUANTUM COMPUTATION
Look at this article
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_quantum_computing and you'll notice that the fiels has suffered such a huge amount of advances alone the two past years that we must fear for all our data.
Nevertheless, I don't want my foresayings sound like the prophecies of Nostradamus (although, imagine you were able to read ALL executive orders from the US president by 2016... *evil grin*)
The only cryptosystem that is really, really, really safe and sound is a modified Vigenere algorithm known as the One Time Pad (OTP). While I can't remember any
real use of the OTP, it has been mathematically proven to be SAFE. What stands against its practical, real-world application are its secondary conditions, i.e., the key synchronization between the sending and the receiving part.
It seems that we'll soon be forced to use the OTP (or some of its variants; the traditional OTP is based on the Vigenere cypher, but it could also be done with an XOR-substitution algorithm...). While we were all discussing about using some thoroughly tested open-source encryption package, OTP is surprisingly easy to implement; the only reason why you'd use some third-party piece of software is performance (although the algorithm is very fast compared with other crypto-algorithms).
Thus, the tough part of the task is the key exchanging method, which can't be done with RSA or DH or El Gamal or any of these, just remember: Quantum computation.
Nevertheless, whilst Quantum physics is the stuff cryptoanalyser's dreams are made, it's also their worst nightmare: QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY
Without explaining all the details, Quantum Cryptography allows two parts to exchange a key which can be used for the OTP. Again, Quantum Cryptography is mathematically proven to be safe. Really safe. The only argument against it are physical limitations, because we need some kind of advanced technology to transport photons without altering their state, but that's mainly a material science topic and I'm confident it'll be solved within the next decade.
Of course, we could also discuss the possibility that governments won't ever let us use these technologies, but that's a whole new can of worms which certainly does not belong into an OS-devers forum.
That particular subject, also an interesting one (never said it wasn't), can be discussed at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).
While I'm writing this, I'm really hoping the forum software will allow me to post such a long rant, but anyway, just forgive me for being so long...
Hoping that this post will interest at least one person,
Candamir a.k.a. Robin Hollenstein
BTW: Most, if not all of this information is from Simon Singh's book, although I don't remember its name in English... => Very cool book. I'd also like to recommend you the Wikipedia articles on the subject, they're also nice to read