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Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:32 pm
by kataklinger
xsix wrote:
Ok, whatever, thank you all for your answers, i'll find that error, my code, my problems.
Well, we cannot help you if you don't provide us enough information
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:52 pm
by Phugoid
Specifically, you did not say what effect removing the "sti" instruction had on the code.
As for whether disassembly is the same as assembly, consider: did you really write db 0xFF in the middle of your code, or [di-0x0d]? Did you really write jz near 0xb50, or perhaps you used a label in place of the address?
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:22 am
by xsix
Code where fault coems is really short, because my keyboard input procedure calls one more, which i named until_has_data, which waits for 64h port will set Output bit:
in al, 64h ;Get keyboard status
and al, 00000001b
jz input1 ;Yup, data has arrived
jnz until_has_data ;Nah, no data
There is AND AL, there is fault. I've tested with AND, TEST, BT and nothing helped. Removing STI also doesn't help.
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:36 am
by xsix
No sorry. Now kernel just halts, because IF=0 and keyboard IRQ doesn't fire an IRQ signal, so...
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:19 am
by kataklinger
Ok, it means that hardware interrupts are not handled correctly. Have you enabled IRQ0 line (_not_ IRQ1) at PIC? Is it si enabled, and if you didn't remapped PIC correctly, then it sends vector 0 for irq0, vector 1 for irq1 ... but it should send vector 0x20, 0x21, 0x22... and thats why you get Divide By Zero Exception.
Why are you pooling keyboard when you are using interrupts?
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:38 am
by xsix
Here is some moths ago, my self written PIC remapping code:
Code: Select all
cli ;Disable IRQs
mov al, 00010001b ;Initialization bit, and edge triggered IRQ(2PICs)
out 20h, al ;I'll use 2PICs so i need to initialize both
out 0xA0, al
mov al, 20h ;For master. Base of IRQ0. Bits 210 not used
out 21h, al ;To second port
mov al, 28h ;For slave
out 0xA1, al ;To second port of slave
mov al, 0x02 ;3rd ICW. Used only if bit 1 was set.
out 21h, al ;Connect to second PIC via IRQ2
mov al, 0x02
out 0xA1, al ;Connect to master via IRQ2
mov al, 0x01 ;This is needed if bit 1 was set
out 21h, al ;To master and slave
out 0xA1, al ;Byte of ICW4. Bit0 indicates that this is x86PC. bit 1 indicates that EOI is handled manualy
sti ;Enable IRQs
mov al, 00000000b ;Mask port, unmask all IRQs, of the first PIC
out 21h, al
I thinik it correct, as i said works on another computer. I figured out that fualt comes at 100BD3 address. My kernel is located at 1024*1024+1024(100400h byte) in HMA, i've changed everything there into NOP's and fault still comes...
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:56 am
by Pype.Clicker
well, at least i would make sure the mask is redefined _before_ i enable interrupts with
Moreover, i once had trouble when no "wait states" are introduced between the different stages of the initialization (e.g. between ICW1 and ICW2). You may prefer
Code: Select all
mov al,11h
out 20h,al ;ICW1:=__init__ ;master
out 0A0h,al ;ICW1:=__init__ ;slave
call __wait
mov al,bl
out 21h,al ;ICW2:=irq0slot (0x20)
mov al,bh
out 0A1h,al ;ICW2:=irq8slot (0x28)
call __wait
mov al,4 ;bit 2 set => master recieves on irq 2
out 21h,al ;ICW3:=IRQ2 (Attach)
mov al,2 ;valeur=2 => slave sends to irq 2
out 0A1h,al ;ICW3:=IRQ2 (Attach)
call __wait
; mov al,1
mov al,0xd
out 21h,al ;ICW4:=IntelEnvironnement
mov al,9
out 0A1h,al ;ICW4:=IntelEnvironnement
call __wait
Code: Select all
in al,21h ;just a tiny delay to let the bus resting
in al,0A1h ;Should be enough on any architecture
Official works-for-all code is available in the FAQ:
Can I Remap the PIC
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:58 am
by kataklinger
mov al, 0x02
out 21h, al
mov al, 0x02
out 0xA1, al
Bolded code should looks like this:
mov al, 0x04
You have connected slave PIC to irq1 (not 2) of master. ICW3 = 0x4 for master and 0x2 for slave!
mov al, 0x01
out 21h, al
out 0xA1, al
Use this instead:
mov al, 0x5
out 0x21, al
mov al, 0x1
out 0xa1, al
You didn't tell that master PIC is master (ICW4 = 0x5 for master an 0x1 for slave).
As Pype said: mask all interrupts at PIC before you execute STI.
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:28 pm
by xsix
Really thank you, all. I tried but i still get a fault... I think, i'll rewrite the whole code, it's just 34kylobytes of asm code. In the fact there are a lot of not needed things so one more point to rewrite it instead of repairing. Thank you anyway.
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:05 am
by xsix
Mm... I want to thank you all that helped me, because you were right that PIC is programmed bad, and it's correct, i've just fixed, and it works. I'm happy. Thanks
Re:Division by zero at BT instruction
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:05 pm
by kataklinger
Of course we were right ;D