No, I don't know if it's the only way, there may be better ones. Depends on how you want to do it.Silverhawk wrote: So, according to you, this is the only way to do the job being full multiboot compliant ?
OS memory structure
Re:OS memory structure
Re:OS memory structure
So, as I've promised, I've tried to code :
1) For setting up a temporary GDT with segments with bases of 0x40100000, I need to have my piece of code linked at 0x100000 in order to grub gives me the hand. no ?
2) Then, if I want my kernel to be located at virtual address 0xC0000000, I need to link the other part of my kernel at 0xC0000000.
The result is that I've my kernel covering 0x100000 to 0xC0000000 and a little more... So Bochs gives me the following error : "Error 28 : Selected Item cannot fit into memory" that seems normal !
What's the correct way to do it ?
Here's my code :
And my linker script file :
All comments and criticals are welcomed !
1) For setting up a temporary GDT with segments with bases of 0x40100000, I need to have my piece of code linked at 0x100000 in order to grub gives me the hand. no ?
2) Then, if I want my kernel to be located at virtual address 0xC0000000, I need to link the other part of my kernel at 0xC0000000.
The result is that I've my kernel covering 0x100000 to 0xC0000000 and a little more... So Bochs gives me the following error : "Error 28 : Selected Item cannot fit into memory" that seems normal !
What's the correct way to do it ?
Here's my code :
Code: Select all
[bits 32]
[global startAfterGrub] ; Entry point for the linker script
[extern paging_enable] ; Function that enables paging (in paging_enable.asm)
[extern startKernel] ; Entry point for the C kernel
[global gdt] ; GDT start address
[global idt] ; IDT start address
section .trampoline
startAfterGrub :
; We use a temporary GDT in order to jump at kernel virual address
lgdt [gdt48_ptr]
mov ax,GDT48_DATA_SEL
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ss,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
jmp GDT48_CODE_SEL:startKernelASM
; NULL descriptor
dw 0 ; limit 15:0
dw 0 ; base 15:0
db 0 ; base 23:16
db 0 ; type
db 0 ; limit 19:16, flags
db 0 ; base 31:24
GDT48_CODE_SEL equ $-gdt48 ; use a base segment of 0x40100000, so the MMU will
dw 0FFFFh ; transform the offset startKernelASM = 0xC0000000
dw 0 ; in 0xC0000000 + 0x40100000 = 4Gb + 1Mb, that will be
db 10h ; truncate into 1Mb...
db 9Ah ; present,ring 0,code,non-conforming,readable
db 0CFh ; page-granular (4 gig limit), 32-bit
db 40h
GDT48_DATA_SEL equ $-gdt48
dw 0FFFFh
dw 0
db 10h
db 92h ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
db 0CFh ; page-granular (4 gig limit), 32-bit
db 40h
dw gdt48_end - gdt48 - 1
dd gdt48
Section .text
startKernelASM : /* linked at 0xC0000000*/
Section .multiboot
; Multiboot header for GRUB bootloader. This must be in the first 8K
; of the kernel file. We use the aout kludge so it works with ELF,
; DJGPP COFF, Win32 PE, or other formats.
; these are in the linker script file
extern code, erodata, ebss
align 4
; aout kludge. These must be PHYSICAL addresses
dd mboot ; Start address of the multiboot header
dd code ; Physical address of the begining of the code segment
dd erodata ; Physical address of end of data data segment
dd ebss ; Physical address of end of bss segment
dd startAfterGrub ; Physical address where boot loader give us the hand
Section .data
[...] /* definitive GDT and IDT */
Section .bss
resd 1024 ; 4ko Stack
Code: Select all
/* Generating elf binary format */
/* Target architecture is i386 */
/* Entry point is startAfterGrub defined in jumToKernel.asm */
/* Physical start address for the kernel */
Phys_Addr = 0x100000; /* 1 mega */
Virt_Addr = 0xc0000000;
. = Phys_Addr;
.multiboot ALIGN(4) :
. = ALIGN(4);
.trampoline :
. = Virt_Addr;
/* Section .text for code */
.text ALIGN(4096) :
code = .;
[...] /* and so on... */
All comments and criticals are welcomed !
Re:OS memory structure
Hi !
For those who are interested, I think I found a solution to my problem into grub tutorial :
a solution may be, I quote :
The remaining is in the page linked above.
I've try it, and it seems to work...
But I've another little problem, gdb now doesn't seem to stop on break point ! (for debugging, I use bochs gdb's stub)
see you.
For those who are interested, I think I found a solution to my problem into grub tutorial :
a solution may be, I quote :
Code: Select all
If the load address is beyond the end of RAM, you get error #28: Selected item cannot fit into memory.
Normally, the physical address is the same as the VMA, and is set either in the linker script or on the linker command line ("ld -Ttext=0x100000 ..."). If your version of 'ld' supports it, the physical and virtual addresses can be specified separately in the linker script using 'AT'
I've try it, and it seems to work...
But I've another little problem, gdb now doesn't seem to stop on break point ! (for debugging, I use bochs gdb's stub)
see you.