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Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:51 pm
by sortie
I don't have any fancy GUI going on (except some games) and a simple screenshot of a text mode buffer wouldn't really do my OS justice. I recorded a video of me toying a bit with a compiler. It's a month old so a few things have changed and bugs have been fixed, but perhaps it is interesting.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:28 pm
by andyharglesis
Here is the latest screenshot of my operating system.

I think I'm getting somewhere soon, but anyways here's the link below to the pic:

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:01 pm
by sounds
That's funny!

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:21 am
by Gigasoft
GigaOS running at 800x600x8BPP.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:49 pm
by alix
This is a screenshot of my OS. ls code taken from minix-2 compiled with newlib.
Filesystem is minix-2 which i wrote a driver for it from scratch, the driver supports minix-1 and 2 filesystems, i'll maybe write a wiki page soon about this very basic and easy filesystem.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:40 pm
by feare56
Here is a picture of "Flow" version 0.0.32 pre-alpha. There is of course a lot of improvements that could be done like a filesystem, a makefile, and a program loading. This is just a very basic kernel at the moment. I will probably get the filesystem and a program loaded in version 0.0.4. This project is only 2 weeks old so that is why I don't have a lot of commands and lack of features.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:38 am
by klange
I am working on a GUI toolkit:


Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:25 pm
by sortie
I began work on my windowing system. Currently, it's just a single process that draws something that looks like an UI and supports some keyboard commands for switching/moving/resizing windows. It's a bit simpler to design a compositor without all that IPC complexity. Though, it'll be fun when I finally do get a multi-process desktop environment going. Following tradition, here's a screenshot with transparent windows and a nyancat.


Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:17 am
by rdos
Diagnostic function for Intel HD Audio chips: (cannot create screenshots of text-mode, so I just use a code section of the actual output)

Code: Select all

Audio device: 0
Codec device: 0
  2: Audio Out
  3: Audio Out
  6: Audio Out
  8: Audio In (35)
  9: Audio In (34)
 11: Audio Mixer (24, 26, 27)
 12: Audio Mixer (2, 11)
 13: Audio Mixer (3, 11)
 15: Audio Mixer (2, 11)
 18: Fixed, ATAPI, Mic, ATAPI
 20: Fixed, ATAPI, Speaker, ATAPI (12, 13)
 23: Pin (15)
 24: Jack, Left, Mic, 1/8'', Black, Not connected (13)
 26: Pin, Headphone (12, 13)
 27: Pin (12, 13)
 30: Pin (6)
 33: Jack, Left, HP out, 1/8'', Black, Headphone, Not connected (12, 13)
 34: Audio Selector (24, 26, 27, 11, 18)
 35: Audio Mixer (24, 26, 27, 11)
My desktop Athlon looks so much simpler:

Code: Select all

Audio device: 0
Codec device: 0
  2: Audio Out
  3: Audio Out
  4: Audio Out
  5: Audio Out
  6: Audio Out
  8: Audio In (35)
  9: Audio In (34)
 10: Audio In
 11: Audio Mixer (24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23)
 12: Audio Mixer (2, 11)
 13: Audio Mixer (3, 11)
 14: Audio Mixer (4, 11)
 15: Audio Mixer (5, 11)
 16: Audio Out
 20: Jack, Rear, Line out, 1/8'', Green, Headphone, Connected (12)
 21: Jack, Rear, Line out, 1/8'', Black, Not connected (13)
 22: Jack, Rear, Line out, 1/8'', Orange, Not connected (14)
 23: Jack, Rear, Line out, 1/8'', Grey, Not connected (15)
 24: Jack, Rear, Mic, 1/8'', Pink, Not connected (12, 13, 14, 15, 38)
 25: Jack, Front, Mic, 1/8'', Pink, Headphone, Not connected (12, 13, 14, 15, 38)
 26: Jack, Rear, Line in, 1/8'', Blue, Not connected (12, 13, 14, 15, 38)
 27: Jack, Front, HP out, 1/8'', Green, Headphone, Not connected (12, 13, 14, 15, 38)
 34: Audio Mixer (24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 11)
 35: Audio Mixer (24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 11)
 37: Audio Out
 38: Audio Mixer (37, 11)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:04 am
by thegreatstudio
I use assembly to make my kernel join my group in btw thx to OSdev for teaching me!!

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:36 am
by Coty
Just kinda picked back up on OSdeving (kinda on again off again), nothing great and still very buggy, but it's progress :P


At this point I'm questioning re-writting in in C or C++ (99% 32bit ASM at this point) Looking towards 64bit, and it would just be easier to re-write it #-o

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:24 am
by sandras
I like the subtly different line colors.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:11 pm
by thepowersgang
Well, here's another of my (slightly prettier now) GUI.

I've been cleaning up my image loader code (still uses a custom format, probably until I get libpng compiled correctly) and adding icons to my 'text editor' (which can't edit text)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:41 pm
by farlepet
I have a few more screenshots to show you guys.

I added some CPU identification, and it detects the CPU's features, so i can start working on SSE, MMX, etc... (Which I have already done for a memclr function, and a little on a memcpy function) I also increased the resolution to 90x60 (hope it doesnt break compatability with some computers....)

I also added some support for directories in the CPIO initrd (before it treated directories as files) and some commands to find the CRC32 and MD5 of a file (I got a bit bored)

And finally, i ported RobotFindsKitten, and its in a binary loaded in the radisk, its technicly a coop multitask-able program, but i just forced it to stay in a loop because I was lazy :P

EDIT: Now I have it start up in 80x25, as the 90x60 broke compatability on a few of my machines...

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:15 pm
by sortie
Alright, lacking any real features that are interesting in a screenshot, here are screenshots of the various games I wrote for my OS.

First up, here is a simple two-player pong game.

Shortly after writing that, I added a snake game.

I even added a game of life simulator!

When I got bitmap graphics working, I even added an asteroids clone!

Oh, and this version of my OS was built by a previous version of my OS.