Code: Select all
; loaded at 0x1000
org 0x1000
; 16-bit
bits 16
; entry point
; get VBE2 information
mov ax,0x4F00
mov di,VbeInfoBlock
push cs
pop es
int 0x10
; check for errors
cmp ax,0x4F
jnz UseMode13
; check for LFB modes
cmp word [VbeVersion],0x102 ; must be > 1.2!
lds si,[VideoModePtr]
jb NoLFB ; no lfb!
; decrement sp by 2
sub sp,2
; check the next mode
; load a word
; simulate word pop
add sp,2
; compare to 0xFFFF
cmp ax,0xFFFF
jz NoLFB ; no adequate mode!
; push the code semgent
push cs
or ax,0100000000000000b ; LFB info
mov di,ModeInfoBlock ; fill up modeinfo buffer
mov cx,ax
pop es
push ax
mov ax,0x4F01 ; video mode attributes
int 0x10
cmp ax,0x4F
jnz UseMode13
mov ax,[ModeAttributes]
test al,1
jz CheckNextMode
test al,1000b
jz CheckNextMode
test al,10000b
jz CheckNextMode
test al,10000000b
jz CheckNextMode
; we want 800x600x24
cmp word [XResolution],800
jb CheckNextMode
cmp word [YResolution],600
jb CheckNextMode
cmp word [BitsPerPixel],24
jb CheckNextMode
; we have a LFB 800x600x24 mode!
pop bx
mov ax,0x4F02
int 0x10
; loop forever
jmp endloop
VbeSignature db "VBE2"
VbeVersion dw 0x300
OemStringPtr dd 0
Capabilities times 4 db 0
VideoModePtr dd 0
TotalMemory dw 0
OemSoftwareRev dw 0
OemVendorNamePtr dd 0
OemProductNamePtr dd 0
OemProductRevPtr dd 0
Reserved0 times 222 db 0
OemData times 256 db 0
ModeAttributes dw 0
WinAAttributes db 0
WinBAttributes db 0
WinGranularity dw 0
WinSize dw 0
WinASegment dw 0
WinBSegment dw 0
WinFuncPtr dd 0
BytesPerScanLine dw 0
XResolution dw 0
YResolution dw 0
XCharSize db 0
YCharSize db 0
NumberOfPlanes db 0
BitsPerPixel db 0
NumberOfBanks db 0
MemoryModel db 0
BankSize db 0
NumberOfImagePages db 0
Reserved1 db 1
RedMaskSize db 0
RedFieldPosition db 0
GreenMaskSize db 0
GreenFieldPosition db 0
BlueMaskSize db 0
BlueFieldPosition db 0
RsvdMaskSize db 0
RsvdFieldPosition db 0
DirectColorModeInfo db 0
PhysBasePtr dd 0
Reserved2 dd 0
Reserved3 dw 0
; VBE3
LinBytesPerScanLine dw 0
BnkNumberOfImagePages db 0
LinNumberOfImagePages db 0
LinRedMaskSize db 0
LinRedFieldPosition db 0
LinGreeMaskSize db 0
LinGreenFieldPosition db 0
LinBlueMaskSize db 0
LinBlueFieldPosition db 0
LinRsvdMaskSize db 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition db 0
MaxPixelClock dd 0
Reserved4 times 189 db 0
Code: Select all
; check for LFB modes
cmp word [VbeVersion],0x102 ; must be > 1.2!
lds si,[VideoModePtr]
jb NoLFB ; no lfb!