@krillzip i think if u use reiserfs as systemfile, u may avoid loosing data, and if there is a problem, u can repare it in 99% of cases, because it's simply the BEST filesystem (developper for NASA computers and available for public now

but i agree with you that MacOS X is one of the best OSs -----> it is a BSD (^_^)
i think most unix mem-managers are not suitable for desktop use. they may be great if you do batch-processing or run a db-server, but they're annoying if you're on a desktop (same thing's true for windows). LAZY-thingING is not always the best option.
again check ur info before posting ...
have u allready tried a linux distro or a modern unix system or not, coz u are speaking like ppl do 40 years ago, now linux/BSD is more userfriendly to use than windows, there is hundred windows managers that feet any user needs, and all applications used under windows have now their equivalent(s) under linux, if u can give me only one program that exist under window and have not n equivalent under linux ??
linux 2.6 has made a leap forward compared to older version but is still behind other operating systems. especially with the vm subsystem.
What operating systems ???
and what about windows DLLs LOL
i think micokernels are nicer than bloated, big, fat and ugly monolithic kernels. be inc. did a good job selecting their line between user and kernel-mode in beos r6 (dan0).
in theory yes, and do u know why, because, in microkernels, if a module crash , the operating system and other modules remains available, and because of reduced responce time (to interrupts ....etc)
QNX is the best microkernel, and the only one that really have those features.
but windows, is a FAKE microkernel, just try to kill a system process while running windows and u ll see, also responce time is too big, compared to what it should be in microkernels.
and dont forget that nowdays, monolitic kernels are considered as the most stable and scured kernels, this is not my opinion, personally i think that a hybrid kernel can be developped to take advantages from the two.