I'm tryng to link ASM code to a C program for writing a somewhat kernel.
------[kernel.c start]------
extern void hi(void);
extern void quit(void);
int main(){
------[kernel.c stop]------
------[plug.asm start]------
[BITS 32]
hi: mov byte [es:0xb8f9c],'H'
mov byte [es:0xb8f9e],'i'
quit: mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
------[plug.asm stop]------
i compile it like this:
gcc -ffreestanding -c -o kernel.o kernel.c
nasm -f aout -o plug.o plug.asm
ld -Ttext 0x100000 --oformat binary -o kernel.bin kernel.o plug.o
but it crashes when it trys to run on FreeDOS or when i try to boot it.
(important to say that i bassed the code from: http://www.osdev.org/developers/guide01/index.jsp)
and what i have discovered is that is must be from the linker (LD) because e dissasambled the program and the CALLs go 2 bytes back from what they should be:
00000000 55 push bp
00000001 89E5 mov bp,sp
00000003 83EC08 sub sp,byte +0x8
00000006 83E4F0 and sp,byte -0x10
00000009 B80000 mov ax,0x0
0000000C 0000 add [bx+si],al
0000000E 29C4 sub sp,ax
00000010 E80B00 call 0x1e
00000013 0000 add [bx+si],al
00000015 E81700 call 0x2f
00000018 0000 add [bx+si],al
0000001A C9 leave
0000001B C3 ret
0000001C 90 nop
0000001D 90 nop
0000001E 90 nop
0000001F 90 nop
00000020 26C6059C mov byte [es:di],0x9c
00000024 8F db 0x8F
00000025 0B00 or ax,[bx+si]
00000027 48 dec ax
00000028 26C6059E mov byte [es:di],0x9e
0000002C 8F db 0x8F
0000002D 0B00 or ax,[bx+si]
0000002F 6989C3EC imul ax,bx,word 0xec89
00000033 5D pop bp
00000034 CB retf
00000035 90 nop
00000036 90 nop
00000037 90 nop
The first CALL goes to 0x1e when it should be 0x20 and the second call goes to 0x2f when it should (probably) go to 0x31.
Should the
[0000001A C9 leave]
[0000001B C3 ret]
really be there ?, when why so many NOPs ?
Is the problem from my linker (LD) ? or just me ? (probably the 2nd one)
GCC + NASM in linux
RE:GCC + NASM in linux
Sorry about my bad english,
(really be there ?, when why so many NOPs ?)
-> really be there ?, and why so many NOPs ?
i had give more lots of errors for sure
(really be there ?, when why so many NOPs ?)
-> really be there ?, and why so many NOPs ?
i had give more lots of errors for sure
RE:GCC + NASM in linux
damn my bad english...
"because e dissasambled" = "beacuse i dissasembled"
and just to add a few things if you dont understand what i'm tryng to say if i mispeled something. the program compiles fine, but when i try to run it on another machine width FreeDOS or add a booter (that havent giveme any problem with kernels writen intyrly in Assembly) it crashes or jumps out.
(in FreeDOS it gives a "Invalid Opcode at 0124 239B 0286 0113 FFFE 091E 239B 239B 0100 239B 091E 009C 20CD")
i have done some tests and the only thing that was comune and the only thing weird i have discovered is the CALLs being 2 bytes back from what it should be.
"because e dissasambled" = "beacuse i dissasembled"
and just to add a few things if you dont understand what i'm tryng to say if i mispeled something. the program compiles fine, but when i try to run it on another machine width FreeDOS or add a booter (that havent giveme any problem with kernels writen intyrly in Assembly) it crashes or jumps out.
(in FreeDOS it gives a "Invalid Opcode at 0124 239B 0286 0113 FFFE 091E 239B 239B 0100 239B 091E 009C 20CD")
i have done some tests and the only thing that was comune and the only thing weird i have discovered is the CALLs being 2 bytes back from what it should be.
RE:GCC + NASM in linux
try using [global _hi]
This could be wrong, I'm throwing this off the top of my head, plus i'm at work and cant verify this so I'll repost when I get home if its incorrect.
This could be wrong, I'm throwing this off the top of my head, plus i'm at work and cant verify this so I'll repost when I get home if its incorrect.
RE:GCC + NASM in linux
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
this will never work. Find the difference:
int quux()
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call zioooom
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
[/code] and
int quux()
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call zioooom
call quit
mov ebp, esp
pop ebp
The code in quit() should be inlined instead of being called.
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
this will never work. Find the difference:
int quux()
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call zioooom
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
[/code] and
int quux()
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call zioooom
call quit
mov ebp, esp
pop ebp
The code in quit() should be inlined instead of being called.
RE:GCC + NASM in linux
That (32-bit) won't run unless you CPU is in protected mode. FreeDOS is a 16-bit environment, as is the BIOS that "bootstraps" the kernel.