OSDev Wiki Poll (Text License)

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What should the license of the text (non-source code) in the Wiki be?

Poll ended at Sun May 06, 2007 1:14 am

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
No votes
GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)
Public Domain (or equivalent)
Total votes: 13

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OSDev Wiki Poll (Text License)

Post by chase »

The text (non-souce code) that appears in the OS Development Wiki/FAQ needs to have a license stated. Once a license is determined an attempt will be made to contact all previous authors to ask if they do not agree with the license and would like their content removed. An author that does not contact osdev.org immediately will be able to request the removal of their content at any time. For more information consult the URLs below. The licenses listed are those commonly used with free works of text which are not the same as software license. If you want a more open license then the one choosen you can always dual license your work so it can be included and as (more) open as you want. I'll try to give a quick description of each in case you are not farmilar with them.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Allows copies and modifications. You must mention the source of the content if you redistribute or modify. Commercial use is allowed so anyone could publish the work for a profit.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
Allows copies and modifications. You must mention the source of the content if you redistribute or modify. Commercial use is not allowed so no one could publish the work for a profit.

GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Free_D ... on_License
It's supposed to be the GNU equivalent for documentation but it has some problems. I list it because wikipedia is GFDL and if we wanted to include their content it would be required.

Public Domain (or equivalent) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain
Anyone can do what they want with the work including commercially.
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Post by pcmattman »

It's a wiki. People who contribute do so for others to use the article to increase their own knowledge. Making code/text on the Wiki anything but Public Domain is insane, and is prone to license abuse and legal issues later.
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Post by mystran »

Voted for PD, though it's not nearly as important for the text, since quotation is typically fair-use anyway, and I can't think of any valid reasons to copy more than that, so I'm really ok with any of the licenses. The Wikipedia issue is a valid concern, though.
The real problem with goto is not with the control transfer, but with environments. Properly tail-recursive closures get both right.
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Post by chase »

Forgot to mention that the poll is set to end 7 days from my original post in this thread. Once the poll ends I'll send out the emails asking any authors that don't agree to inform me so I can delete their content. I'll allow 7 more days for email responses before making an offical license announcement.
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Kevin McGuire
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

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Post by jhawthorn »

Kevin McGuire wrote:You can delete my content. I would like to put it up at my own wiki:

http://www.osdev.org/wiki/Quick_And_Dir ... Management
http://www.osdev.org/wiki/Quick_And_Dir ... ace_Scheme
http://www.osdev.org/wiki/Quick_And_Dir ... _Algorithm
http://www.osdev.org/wiki/Special:Contr ... s/kmcguire

I just never expected them to become public domain, but instead I will host them and license them as:

I have moved your quick and dirty articles into your user namespace. I also wrote "copyright kmcguire" on each of your uploaded images. If you do not feel that this is sufficient in protecting your copyright, which I feel is important, please let me know and I will delete all the articles and images.
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Kevin McGuire
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

I really appreciate the time you took to do that. I think it was a really nice gesture. It is unexpected, and a solution that I did not think was possible.

It seems like a good idea to me.. I appreciate the time and thought to produce such a simple solution. I am not sure how to show my gratitude through textual words, but I feel a "thanks" should convey my appreciation, and especially for the time and thought (out of your day which was not in any way required) which makes it even harder for me to make sure I convey "thank you" in the best manner.
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