The routine returns Unix time, which is UTC by definition, so it'll go wrong almost certainly (most PCs have RTC in localtime, which is stupid), but as the comment states, it's easier to adjust it later (with a system call from userspace) by the correct offset, than try to make kernel worry about timezones.
The code (supposedly) works between the years 2001 and 2099.
Code: Select all
#define RTC_BASE 0x70
#define RTC_DATA 0x71
// Return Unix time in seconds, reading current time and date from RTC.
// This assumes that RTC is in UTC, which it typically isn't, but since
// the timezone isn't known, just let some process adjust it after boot.
unsigned clock_rtc_read() {
int update = 1; // update in progress flag
while(update) {
// check if there's update in progress
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 0xA); // RTC register A
unsigned char c = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
if(!(c & 0x80)) {
update = 0;
// read the various RTC fields
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 0);
unsigned char sec = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 2);
unsigned char min = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 4);
unsigned char hour = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 7); // day of month
unsigned char day = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 8);
unsigned char month = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 9); // two digits, we assume 2000-2099
unsigned char year = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
// read RTC register B to figure out how to deal with the data
out8_p(RTC_BASE, 0xB);
unsigned char format = in8_p(RTC_DATA);
// convert all fields from BDC to binary if bit[2] is clear
if(!(format & 0x4)) {
sec = (sec & 0xf) + (sec>>4)*10;
min = (min & 0xf) + (min>>4)*10;
hour = (hour & 0xf) + ((hour&0x70)>>4)*10 + (hour&0x80); // keep bit-7
day = (day & 0xf) + (day>>4)*10;
month = (month & 0xf) + (month>>4)*10;
year = (year & 0xf) + (year>>4)*10;
// convert hours from 12 to 24 format if bit[1] is clear
if(!(format & 0x2)) {
int ampm = hour&0x80;
hour = hour&0x7f;
// fix 24:00 = 12am oddity
if(hour == 12) hour = 0;
if(ampm) hour += 12;
// Figure out the number of days after the beginning of 2000
// Our calculation is simplified by the fact that 2000 is a leap year,
// and after that every 4th year is a leap year, until 2100 before which
// this routine will have to be updated anyway, because RTC wraps to 00.
// So first calculate days as if there was no leap years, then add
// 1 day for each leap year that has passed, and one for leap back in 2000.
// This will actually give bogus values if year is 2000 (or before that),
// but for code written in 2007 that shouldn't matter that much...
unsigned fullyeardays = year * 365 + ((year-1)/4) + 1;
// Next get the number of (full) days for this year, using the lookup
// table for months. RTC day and month count from 1. Adjust month.
// Only adjust day if it's not leap year, or if leap day hasn't passed.
static unsigned daysbeforemonth[12] // for normal, non-leap year
= { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
unsigned thisyeardays = daysbeforemonth[month-1] + day
- (((year%4)==0 && month > 2) ? 0 : 1); // only if no leap day passed
// Sum days before and during this year to get date, then adjust EPOCH
// to stay compatible with Unix style 1970-01-01 00:00.
// The number 10957 was arrived at by first using GNU date:
// date -d '2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC' '+%s' -> 946684800
// and dividing the result with 24*60*60 to get the number of days.
unsigned date = fullyeardays + thisyeardays + 10957;
// Finally build system time, unix format seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00
unsigned time = sec + 60 * (min + 60 * (hour + 24 * date));
return time;
edit: oops, forgot the port addresses from the post