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1 vote here for independent - because it's not really at the stage of finalising any sort of gui or tui yet. I guess some things will give it a dos 'feel', as dos is the os I was brought up on.
Other things, like treating devices as a files will be more unixy. It could all change though....
I guess until I get around to (properly) implementing the graphics side of my OS, it looks a lot like MS-DOS. The only differences would be that my OS multitasks (a nightmare on a console ) and supports logging in to the system (iirc something which DOS didn't).
pjt wrote:Mine too is independent. I'm really trying hard, not make a POSIX or a windows like OS.
As for the CLI, the variations are quite limited, aren't they?
Why work against them? Mine is mostly independent (very easy to mimick all of the above) becasue my design made cloning one of them impossible. But if you have to actually work against yourself, it seems a waste. In the end, people will find it easier to use if it identical to windows on the front